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like "mouse, Ap3m2, alcohol"

Returning 16 results: Page 1 of 1

Tier Species Size Attr. GeneSet
Tier II 530 GS84267: nicotine sensitivity (Published QTL, Chr 13)
Tier II 477 GS84268: nicotine sensitivity (Published QTL, Chr 13)
Tier II 211 GS129100: bone mineral density 3 (Bmd3 Published QTL Chr 13)
Tier II 351 GS135384: body weight 1 (Bdw1, Published QTL Chr 13)
Tier II 340 GS135550: CD4 T cell subset 6 (Cd4ts6, Published QTL Chr 13)
Tier II 355 GS135976: wound healing/regeneration 3 (Heal3, Published QTL Chr 13)
Tier II 359 GS136005: hapatic PMN infiltration 1 (Hpi1, Published QTL Chr 13)
Tier II 483 GS136029: hypertension (Hypt, Published QTL Chr 13)
Tier II 355 GS136221: mandible length 13 (Manln13, Published QTL Chr 13)
Tier II 501 GS136303: modifier of Salmonella typhimurium susceptibility 4 (Msts4, Published QTL Chr 13)
Tier II 351 GS136341: nicotine induced locomotor activity 7 (Nilac7, Published QTL Chr 13)
Tier II 415 GS136440: peak bone density 2 (Pbd2, Published QTL Chr 13)
Tier II 483 GS136779: systolic blood pressure 2 (Sysbp2, Published QTL Chr 13)
Tier II 355 GS136884: testis weight QTL 1 (Twq1, Published QTL Chr 13)
Tier II 501 GS136891: voluntary alcohol consumption QTL 5 (Vacq5, Published QTL Chr 13)
Tier IV 51200 GS405734: WWP1 KO vs WT