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Returning 384 results: Page 1 of 16

Tier Species Size Attr. GeneSet
Tier II 612 GS136812: type 2 diabetes modifying QTL 1 (Tdmq1, Published QTL Chr 9)
Tier II 584 GS136117: body length 4 (Lgth4, Published QTL Chr 9)
Tier II 427 GS135512: body weight day 30 males 2 (Bwem2, Published QTL Chr 13)
Tier II 624 GS135527: castaneus 10 week body weight 2 (C10bw2, Published QTL Chr 9)
Tier II 612 GS135536: caffeine metabolism QTL 3 (Cafq3, Published QTL Chr 9)
Tier II 586 GS135595: mean cell hemoglobin concentration QTL 2 (Chcmq2, Published QTL Chr 9)
Tier II 653 GS136166: leishmaniasis resistance 2 (Lmr2, Published QTL Chr 9)
Tier II 378 GS136271: modifier of obesity 2 (Mobe2, Published QTL Chr 13)
Tier II 623 GS136290: morphine antinociception 2 (Morph2, Published QTL Chr 9)
Tier II 584 GS136643: serum IGFBP-5 level QTL 2 (Si5lq2, Published QTL Chr 9)
Tier II 814 GS223570: Epididymal fat weight QTL 2 (Epfw2 Published QTL Chr 8)
Tier II 624 GS135485: bone response to mechanical loading 5 (Brml5, Published QTL Chr 9)
Tier II 602 GS136118: body length 5 (Lgth5, Published QTL Chr 9)
Tier II 898 GS224787: Bone structure and strength QTL 78 (Bss78 Published QTL Chr 8)
Tier II 898 GS224791: Bone structure and strength QTL 75 (Bss75 Published QTL Chr 8)
Tier II 898 GS224792: Bone structure and strength QTL 76 (Bss76 Published QTL Chr 8)
Tier II 898 GS224793: Bone structure and strength QTL 77 (Bss77 Published QTL Chr 8)
Tier II 640 GS135267: alopecia areata 2 (Alaa2, Published QTL Chr 9)
Tier II 584 GS135579: cystic fibrosis modifier QTL 2 (Cfmq2, Published QTL Chr 9)
Tier II 500 GS135768: experimental allergic encephalomyelitis susceptibility 9 (Eae9, Published QTL Chr 9)
Tier II 656 GS135949: HDL QTL 17 (Hdlq17, Published QTL Chr 9)
Tier II 585 GS136024: hypothermia sensitivity (Hts, Published QTL Chr 9)
Tier II 400 GS136125: lipoprotein QTL 2 (Lipq2, Published QTL Chr 13)
Tier II 415 GS136440: peak bone density 2 (Pbd2, Published QTL Chr 13)
Tier II 556 GS136469: p-glycoprotein positive CD4 T cell subset 2 (Pcd4ts2, Published QTL Chr 13)