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Returning 57 results: Page 1 of 3

Tier Species Size Attr. GeneSet
Tier I 2181 GS128573: Ethanol Induced Hypothermia Chr# 7
Tier I 985 GS128584: Rotarod Baseline Chr# 7
Tier I 2218 GS128593: Average rotarod training latency Chr# 7
Tier II 509 GS135257: anti-erythrocyte autoantibody modifier 2 (Aem2, Published QTL Chr 7)
Tier II 293 GS135308: angle of entrainment 4 (Angle4, Published QTL Chr 7)
Tier II 415 GS135313: aortic lesion size 2 (Aorls2, Published QTL Chr 7)
Tier II 455 GS135318: alcohol preference 7 QTL (Ap7q, Published QTL Chr 7)
Tier II 703 GS135381: bone density traits 4 (Bdt4, Published QTL Chr 7)
Tier II 302 GS135395: body growth early QTL 5 (Bgeq5, Published QTL Chr 7)
Tier II 302 GS135448: bone length and organs 4 (Bod4, Published QTL Chr 7)
Tier II 427 GS135609: circulating hormone level QTL 18 (Chlq18, Published QTL Chr 7)
Tier II 291 GS135631: collagen induced arthritis 41 (Cia41, Published QTL Chr 7)
Tier II 415 GS135636: collagen induced arthritis autoantibody QTL 1 (Ciaaq1, Published QTL Chr 7)
Tier II 396 GS135657: cocaine induced activation 9 (Cocia9, Published QTL Chr 7)
Tier II 455 GS135740: dsRNA-induced UCM 1 (Ducm1, Published QTL Chr 7)
Tier II 302 GS135787: "early growth rate, maternal effect 3" (Egrm3, Published QTL Chr 7)
Tier II 302 GS135814: ether anesthesia 1 (Etan1, Published QTL Chr 7)
Tier II 483 GS135848: femoral cross-sectional area 6 (Fcsa6, Published QTL Chr 7)
Tier II 427 GS135882: femur geometry 6 (Fmgty6, Published QTL Chr 7)
Tier II 427 GS135897: granular brain lesions (Gbrln, Published QTL Chr 7)
Tier II 302 GS135926: hepatocarcinogenesis susceptibility 1 (Hcs1, Published QTL Chr 7)
Tier II 309 GS136203: lung tumor shape-determining 5 (Ltsd5, Published QTL Chr 7)
Tier II 302 GS136216: mandible shape 10 (Manh10, Published QTL Chr 7)
Tier II 302 GS136234: mandible length 8 (Manln8, Published QTL Chr 7)
Tier II 396 GS136250: mean corpuscular volume QTL 1 (Mcvq1, Published QTL Chr 7)