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Returning 335 results: Page 1 of 14

Tier Species Size Attr. GeneSet
Tier I 4540 GS284040: GO:0008150 biological_process
Tier I 21 GS284312: GO:0033273 response to vitamin
Tier I 90 GS284446: GO:1901700 response to oxygen-containing compound
Tier I 32 GS284486: GO:0009991 response to extracellular stimulus
Tier I 43 GS284589: GO:0014070 response to organic cyclic compound
Tier I 410 GS286089: GO:0009605 response to external stimulus
Tier I 32 GS286787: GO:0031667 response to nutrient levels
Tier I 492 GS286811: GO:0042221 response to chemical
Tier I 21 GS287159: GO:0007584 response to nutrient
Tier I 62 GS287577: GO:0033993 response to lipid
Tier I 11 GS287730: GO:0033280 response to vitamin D
Tier I 252 GS289150: GO:0010033 response to organic substance
Tier I 1291 GS289441: GO:0050896 response to stimulus
Tier II 332 GS84177: morphine preference (Published QTL, Chr 6)
Tier II 428 GS84178: METH responses for home cage activity (Published QTL, Chr 6)
Tier I 289 GS121103: Ribose interacting with Homo sapiens associated genes (MeSH:D012266) in CTD
Tier I 2286 GS122305: resveratrol interacting with Homo sapiens associated genes (MeSH:C059514) in CTD
Tier I 271 GS122782: zinc chloride interacting with Homo sapiens associated genes (MeSH:C016837) in CTD
Tier I 90 GS122793: 4-biphenylamine interacting with Homo sapiens associated genes (MeSH:C006757) in CTD
Tier I 1325 GS123759: Testosterone interacting with Homo sapiens associated genes (MeSH:D013739) in CTD
Tier I 1325 GS123763: Testolactone interacting with Homo sapiens associated genes (MeSH:D013738) in CTD
Tier I 289 GS123929: Rifampin interacting with Homo sapiens associated genes (MeSH:D012293) in CTD
Tier I 2860 GS124165: Hydrogen Peroxide interacting with Homo sapiens associated genes (MeSH:D006861) in CTD
Tier I 3128 GS124695: arsenic trioxide interacting with Homo sapiens associated genes (MeSH:C006632) in CTD
Tier I 944 GS125548: Doxorubicin interacting with Homo sapiens associated genes (MeSH:D004317) in CTD