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Returning 502 results: Page 1 of 21

Tier Species Size Attr. GeneSet
Tier III 20 GS46978: Nicotine Dependence in Australian DNA-Pools
Tier III 465 GS75760: Pattern of Cytokine and Inflammatory Genes - Probe sets whose signal was modified in the presence of CE-sHUT
Tier II 356 GS83976: cocaine induced activation 8 (Cocia8, Published QTL, Chr 6)
Tier II 480 GS83991: cocaine related behavior 7 (Cocrb7, Published QTL, Chr 6)
Tier II 480 GS84179: cocaine related behavior (Published QTL, Chr 6)
Tier II 464 GS84180: METH responses for body temperature (Published QTL, Chr 6)
Tier II 514 GS84181: ethanol induced locomotion (Published QTL, Chr 6)
Tier I 424 GS121370: Clofibrate interacting with Oikopleura dioica associated genes (MeSH:D002994) in CTD
Tier I 2 GS121747: Acarbose interacting with Homo sapiens associated genes (MeSH:D020909) in CTD
Tier I 394 GS122801: sulforafan interacting with Homo sapiens associated genes (MeSH:C016766) in CTD
Tier I 8175 GS123916: Aflatoxin B1 interacting with Homo sapiens associated genes (MeSH:D016604) in CTD
Tier I 676 GS124847: belinostat interacting with Homo sapiens associated genes (MeSH:C487081) in CTD
Tier I 2632 GS125371: Cadmium Chloride interacting with Platichthys flesus associated genes (MeSH:D019256) in CTD
Tier I 1220 GS125512: Vanadates interacting with Homo sapiens associated genes (MeSH:D014638) in CTD
Tier I 4362 GS127051: Silicon Dioxide interacting with Homo sapiens associated genes (MeSH:D012822) in CTD
Tier I 5475 GS127127: Benzo(a)pyrene interacting with Homo sapiens associated genes (MeSH:D001564) in CTD
Tier V 689 GS128038: Alcohol consumption QTL 18 (Alc18, Published QTL, Chr 4)
Tier I 579 GS128049: Alcohol consumption QTL 21 (Alc21 Published QTL, Chr 4)
Tier I 514 GS128053: Alcohol consumption QTL 22 (Alc22, Published QTL, Chr 4)
Tier II 416 GS129190: SGC/Knj cross B6 QTL 2 (Sxbq2 Published QTL Chr 6)
Tier II 422 GS135297: acute lung injury QTL 4 (Aliq4, Published QTL Chr 6)
Tier II 267 GS135491: behavioral response to methamphetamines 5 (Brmth5, Published QTL Chr 6)
Tier II 424 GS135497: BSB obesity 3 (Bsbob3, Published QTL Chr 6)
Tier II 371 GS135503: bladder tumor susceptibility 2 (Bts2, Published QTL Chr 6)
Tier II 371 GS135656: cocaine induced activation 8 (Cocia8, Published QTL Chr 6)