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Returning 276 results: Page 1 of 12

Tier Species Size Attr. GeneSet
Tier II 685 GS135555: CD8 memory T cell subset 4 (Cd8mts4, Published QTL Chr 11)
Tier II 1036 GS135366: B.burgdorferi-associated arthritis 4 (Bbaa4, Published QTL Chr 11)
Tier II 951 GS136605: spinal bone mineral density 4 (Sbmd4, Published QTL Chr 11)
Tier II 954 GS135823: ethanol conditioned taste aversion 9 (Etohcta9, Published QTL Chr 11)
Tier II 1019 GS135353: Alzheimer's disease modifier 5 (Azdm5, Published QTL Chr 11)
Tier II 766 GS136780: seizure susceptibility 3 (Szs3, Published QTL Chr 11)
Tier II 664 GS136896: visual placing (Vispl, Published QTL Chr 11)
Tier II 309 GS223086: Experimental allergic neuritis QTL 4 (Ean4 Published QTL Chr 10)
Tier II 957 GS135295: acute lung injury QTL 1 (Aliq1, Published QTL Chr 11)
Tier II 1036 GS135507: body weight QTL 4 (Bw4, Published QTL Chr 11)
Tier II 1029 GS135702: dopamine uptake transporter binding 4 (Dautb4, Published QTL Chr 11)
Tier II 960 GS135818: ethanol induced thermoregulation 4 (Ethm4, Published QTL Chr 11)
Tier II 1004 GS135864: femur length in high growth mice 4 (Feml4, Published QTL Chr 11)
Tier II 954 GS136048: insulin dependent diabetes susceptibility 4 (Idd4, Published QTL Chr 11)
Tier II 681 GS136328: non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus 4 (Nidd4, Published QTL Chr 11)
Tier II 996 GS136434: pulmonary adenoma susceptibility 5b (Pas5b, Published QTL Chr 11)
Tier II 949 GS136566: retinoic acid induced forelimb autopod reduction (Rafar, Published QTL Chr 11)
Tier I 6013 GS124700: 4-(5-benzo(1,3)dioxol-5-yl-4-pyridin-2-yl-1H-imidazol-2-yl)benzamide interacting with Homo sapiens associated genes (MeSH:C459179) in CTD
Tier I 5988 GS121789: (6-(4-(2-piperidin-1-ylethoxy)phenyl))-3-pyridin-4-ylpyrazolo(1,5-a)pyrimidine interacting with Homo sapiens associated genes (MeSH:C516138) in CTD
Tier II 955 GS84253: alcohol preference locus (Published QTL, Chr 11)
Tier II 747 GS84255: alcohol preference locus (Published QTL, Chr 11)
Tier II 705 GS135274: "alcohol preference locus 18, male specific" (Alcp18, Published QTL Chr 11)
Tier II 705 GS135276: "alcohol preference locus 20, female specific" (Alcp20, Published QTL Chr 11)
Tier II 735 GS135792: epilepsy 6 (El6, Published QTL Chr 11)
Tier II 1021 GS136798: total body bone mineral density 5 (Tbbmd5, Published QTL Chr 11)