alcohol preference 7 spans 13.47 - 63.47 Mbp (NCBI Build 37) on Chr7. This interval was obtained by using an interval width of 25 Mbp around the peak marker (Build 37, MGI,
Bachmanov AA, Reed DR, Li X, Li S, Beauchamp GK, Tordoff MG
QTL for ethanol conditioned taste aversion on Chr7 at D7Ncvs57 (73.76 Mbp , Build 37)
ethanol conditioned taste aversion spans 48.76 - 98.76 Mbp (NCBI Build 37) on Chr7. This interval was obtained by using an interval width of 25 Mbp around the peak marker (Build 37, MGI,
Ethanol Induced Hypothermia Chr# 7 rs13479153(25722935) with right flanking marker rs3700068(4187548) and left marker rs3716088(140189839). This was mapped in 300 + (b6x129)F2 mice.
BECs at LORR Recovery Chr# 7 rs13479145(19988355) with right flanking marker rs6384973(5036805) and left marker rs3663313 (63388111). This was mapped in 300 + (b6x129)F2 mice.
Average rotarod training latency Chr# 7 mCV23423763(68111945) with right flanking marker rs3700068(4187548) and left marker rs3663988(146505067). This was mapped in 300 + (b6x129)F2 mice.
QTL associated with bronchial hyperresponsiveness 6. This interval was obtained by using a fixed interval width of 25 Mbp around the peak marker (37927844)
De Sanctis GT, Singer JB, Jiao A, Yandava CN, Lee YH, Haynes TC, Lander ES, Beier DR, Drazen JM
QTL associated with beta-carboline induced seizures 4. This interval was obtained by using a fixed interval width of 25 Mbp around the peak marker (34527929)
Gershenfeld HK, Neumann PE, Li X, St Jean PL, Paul SM
QTL associated with circulating hormone level QTL 18. This interval was obtained by using a fixed interval width of 25 Mbp around the peak marker (65754442)
QTL associated with collagen induced arthritis autoantibody QTL 1. This interval was obtained by using a fixed interval width of 25 Mbp around the peak marker (57000154)
QTL associated with cocaine induced activation 9. This interval was obtained by using a fixed interval width of 25 Mbp around the peak marker (59053491)
QTL associated with experimental allergic encephalomyelitis susceptibility 12. This interval was obtained by using a fixed interval width of 25 Mbp around the peak marker (37365609)
Butterfield RJ, Blankenhorn EP, Roper RJ, Zachary JF, Doerge RW, Sudweeks J, Rose J, Teuscher C
QTL associated with femoral cross-sectional area 6. This interval was obtained by using a fixed interval width of 25 Mbp around the peak marker (72879599)
Klein RF, Turner RJ, Skinner LD, Vartanian KA, Serang M, Carlos AS, Shea M, Belknap JK, Orwoll ES
QTL associated with mean corpuscular volume QTL 1. This interval was obtained by using a fixed interval width of 25 Mbp around the peak marker (59053491)
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