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like "mouse, Ap3m2, alcohol"

Returning 24 results: Page 1 of 1

Tier Species Size Attr. GeneSet
Tier II 386 GS84237: morphine antinociception (Published QTL, Chr 10)
Tier II 393 GS84238: morphine preference (Published QTL, Chr 10)
Tier II 251 GS135303: amphetamine distance traveled 2 (Amdt2, Published QTL Chr 10)
Tier II 251 GS135332: atherosclerotic lesion area 1 (Ascla1, Published QTL Chr 10)
Tier II 240 GS135333: atherosclerotic lesion area 2 (Ascla2, Published QTL Chr 10)
Tier II 249 GS135342: atherosclerosis 20 (Ath20, Published QTL Chr 10)
Tier II 272 GS135387: barrel field size 2 (Bfsz2, Published QTL Chr 10)
Tier II 251 GS135749: experimental allergic encephalomyelitis susceptibility 15 (Eae15, Published QTL Chr 10)
Tier II 272 GS135841: femoral bone trait QTL 4 (Fbtq4, Published QTL Chr 10)
Tier II 182 GS135905: geotaxia (Geot, Published QTL Chr 10)
Tier II 252 GS136141: lithogenic gene 21 (Lith21, Published QTL Chr 10)
Tier II 272 GS136215: myeloperoxidase-specific anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibody QTL 2 (Mancq2, Published QTL Chr 10)
Tier II 182 GS136286: morphine preference 2 (Mop2, Published QTL Chr 10)
Tier II 251 GS136466: postnatal body weight growth 9 (Pbwg9, Published QTL Chr 10)
Tier II 251 GS136501: proteoglycan induced arthritis 6 (Pgia6, Published QTL Chr 10)
Tier II 251 GS136537: psoriasis susceptibility 1 (Psrs1, Published QTL Chr 10)
Tier II 182 GS136726: susceptibility to lung cancer 29 (Sluc29, Published QTL Chr 10)
Tier II 272 GS136774: SGC/Knj cross B6 QTL 4 (Sxbq4, Published QTL Chr 10)
Tier II 185 GS136892: voluntary alcohol consumption QTL 6 (Vacq6, Published QTL Chr 10)
Tier III 2881 GS213073: Genes with suggestive difference in (PWD x C57BL/6)F1 vs [(C57BL/6 x PWD)F1 + C57BL/6 + PWD] comparison
Tier IV 51914 GS405734: WWP1 KO vs WT
Tier III 17681 GS407738: Differential Gene Expression Underlying Alcohol Binge Drinking in mice nucleus accumbens core q-value
Tier III 9459 GS407741: Differential gene expression in the brain associated with Alcohol Binge Drinking in bed nucleus of the stria terminalis FC
Tier III 9516 GS407744: Gene expression_Alcohol Binge Drinking_mice_Basolateral amygdala_q-value