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like "mouse, Ap3m2, alcohol"

Returning 8 results: Page 1 of 1

Tier Species Size Attr. GeneSet
Tier II 406 GS84096: alcohol consumption Chr1 (Published QTL, Chr 1)
Tier II 407 GS84097: alcohol preference locus on Chr1 at D1Mit295 (Published QTL, Chr 1)
Tier II 407 GS84098: alcohol preference locus on Chr1 at D1Mit165(Published QTL, Chr 1)
Tier II 407 GS84099: METH responses for home cage activity on Chr1 at D1Mit1 (Published QTL, Chr 1)
Tier II 407 GS84100: morphine antinociception on Chr1 at D1Mit67 (Published QTL, Chr 1)
Tier III 206 GS213172: Differential Expression of Emotional and Physical Stress(Fold Change >1) in Ventral Tegmental Area
Tier III 17260 GS407756: Microglial-specific transcriptome changes following chronic alcohol consumption in mice p-value
Tier III 19712 GS407758: Microglial-specific transcriptome changes following chronic alcohol consumption in mice total homogenate p-value