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Returning 74 results: Page 1 of 3

Tier Species Size Attr. GeneSet
Tier II 449 GS83985: cocaine related behavior 16 (Cocrb16, Published QTL, Chr 4)
Tier II 696 GS83998: cocaine and amphetamine-regulated transcript QTL 2 (Crq2, Published QTL, Chr 4)
Tier II 518 GS84163: alcohol preference 3 QTL (Ap3q, Published QTL, Chr 4)
Tier II 484 GS84164: cocaine related behavior (Published QTL, Chr 4)
Tier II 484 GS84165: ethanol conditioned taste aversion (Published QTL, Chr 4)
Tier II 484 GS84166: METH responses for climbing (Published QTL, Chr 4)
Tier II 561 GS84321: pentobarbital withdrawal Chr4 (Published QTL)
Tier I 546 GS128576: Ethanol induced LORR Chr# 4
Tier II 204 GS129084: atherosclerosis susceptibility QTL 1 (Athsq1 Published QTL Chr 4)
Tier II 802 GS129104: bone mineral density 7 (Bmd7 Published QTL Chr 4)
Tier II 748 GS135220: aromatase activity QTL 1 (Aaiq1, Published QTL Chr 4)
Tier II 748 GS135221: aromatase activity QTL 2 (Aaiq2, Published QTL Chr 4)
Tier II 689 GS135245: adiposity 12 (Adip12, Published QTL Chr 4)
Tier II 532 GS135315: alcohol preference 3 QTL (Ap3q, Published QTL Chr 4)
Tier II 740 GS135330: autoimmune renal vasculitis 2 (Arvm2, Published QTL Chr 4)
Tier II 747 GS135350: Alzheimer's disease modifier 2 (Azdm2, Published QTL Chr 4)
Tier II 748 GS135394: body growth early QTL 3 (Bgeq3, Published QTL Chr 4)
Tier II 743 GS135416: beta-carboline-induced seizures 1 (Bis1, Published QTL Chr 4)
Tier II 689 GS135460: bone mineral density 6 (Bomd6, Published QTL Chr 4)
Tier II 733 GS135477: bone response to mechanical loading 10 (Brml10, Published QTL Chr 4)
Tier II 532 GS135480: bone response to mechanical loading 13 (Brml13, Published QTL Chr 4)
Tier II 743 GS135509: body weight at 8 weeks QTL 2 (Bw8q2, Published QTL Chr 4)
Tier II 734 GS135544: corpus callosum hemisphere surface size 2 (Ccrs2, Published QTL Chr 4)
Tier II 671 GS135567: cytokine deficiency colitis susceptibility 9 (Cdcs9, Published QTL Chr 4)
Tier II 736 GS135607: circulating hormone level QTL 16 (Chlq16, Published QTL Chr 4)