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like "mouse, Ap3m2, alcohol"

Returning 88 results: Page 1 of 4

Tier Species Size Attr. GeneSet
Tier II 406 GS84096: alcohol consumption Chr1 (Published QTL, Chr 1)
Tier II 407 GS84097: alcohol preference locus on Chr1 at D1Mit295 (Published QTL, Chr 1)
Tier II 407 GS84098: alcohol preference locus on Chr1 at D1Mit165(Published QTL, Chr 1)
Tier II 407 GS84099: METH responses for home cage activity on Chr1 at D1Mit1 (Published QTL, Chr 1)
Tier II 407 GS84100: morphine antinociception on Chr1 at D1Mit67 (Published QTL, Chr 1)
Tier II 314 GS84320: pentobarbital withdrawal on Chr1 (Published QTL)
Tier II 99 GS129202: zinc induced tolerance 1 (Zit1 Published QTL Chr 1)
Tier II 446 GS135234: activity response to ethanol 1 (Actre1, Published QTL Chr 1)
Tier II 446 GS135270: alcohol dependency 1 (Alcdp1, Published QTL Chr 1)
Tier II 446 GS135290: alcohol withdrawal 1 (Alcw1, Published QTL Chr 1)
Tier II 446 GS135344: atherosclerosis 9 (Ath9, Published QTL Chr 1)
Tier II 368 GS135459: bone mineral density 5 (Bomd5, Published QTL Chr 1)
Tier II 441 GS135464: blood pressure QTL 21 (Bpq21, Published QTL Chr 1)
Tier II 447 GS135476: bone response to mechanical loading 1 (Brml1, Published QTL Chr 1)
Tier II 446 GS135501: basal locomotor activity 4 (Bslm4, Published QTL Chr 1)
Tier II 416 GS135508: body weight at 8 weeks QTL 1 (Bw8q1, Published QTL Chr 1)
Tier II 446 GS135534: caffeine metabolism QTL 1 (Cafq1, Published QTL Chr 1)
Tier II 446 GS135539: cerebellum weight 1 (Cbm1, Published QTL Chr 1)
Tier II 446 GS135552: CD8 T memory cell subset 1 (Cd8mts1, Published QTL Chr 1)
Tier II 441 GS135578: cystic fibrosis modifier QTL 1 (Cfmq1, Published QTL Chr 1)
Tier II 441 GS135583: chronic glomerulonephritis in NZM 1 (Cgnz1, Published QTL Chr 1)
Tier II 446 GS135601: circulating hormone level QTL 1 (Chlq1, Published QTL Chr 1)
Tier II 446 GS135673: cholesterol QTL 2 (Cq2, Published QTL Chr 1)
Tier II 446 GS135677: cholesterol QTL 6 (Cq6, Published QTL Chr 1)
Tier II 448 GS135683: Ctla4 expression QTL (Ctex, Published QTL Chr 1)