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like "mouse, Ap3m2, alcohol"

Returning 27 results: Page 1 of 2

Tier Species Size Attr. GeneSet
Tier II 787 GS83968: cocaine induced activation 13 (Cocia13, Published QTL, Chr 17)
Tier II 535 GS83971: cocaine induced activation 3 (Cocia3, Published QTL, Chr 17)
Tier II 543 GS84298: cocaine induced activation (Published QTL, Chr 17)
Tier II 629 GS84299: ethanol metabolism rate (Published QTL, Chr 17)
Tier II 836 GS84300: METH responses for body temperature (Published QTL, Chr 17)
Tier II 942 GS84301: ethanol conditioned taste aversion (Published QTL, Chr 17)
Tier II 821 GS84302: differences in cocaine responsiveness (Published QTL, Chr 17)
Tier III 5597 GS213074: Genes with suggestive difference in (C57BL/6 x PWD)F1 vs [(PWD x C57BL/6)F1 + C57BL/6 + PWD] comparison
Tier III 7384 GS213076: Genes with suggestive difference in (C57BL/6) vs [(C57BL/6 x PWD)F1 + (PWD x C57BL/6)F1 + PWD] comparison
Tier III 629 GS246339: suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) Hypermethlyated
Tier IV 1576 GS400095: Mouse genes whose putative nearby enhancers show cocaine-induced switches to chromatin state 4 or 5
Tier IV 2982 GS406026: Q-values for up differentially expressed genes in the central nucleus of the amygdala between CAST and AJ
Tier IV 2634 GS406038: Q-values for up differentially expressed genes in the central nucleus of the amygdala between CAST and S129
Tier IV 2837 GS406050: Q-values for up differentially expressed genes in the central nucleus of the amygdala between PWK and AJ
Tier IV 2982 GS406051: Q-values for up differentially expressed genes in the central nucleus of the amygdala between CAST and AJ
Tier IV 2832 GS406057: Q-values for up differentially expressed genes in the central nucleus of the amygdala between PWK and NOD
Tier IV 2634 GS406064: Q-values for up differentially expressed genes in the central nucleus of the amygdala between CAST and S129
Tier IV 2498 GS406065: Q-values for up differentially expressed genes in the central nucleus of the amygdala between PWK and S129
Tier IV 2837 GS406075: Q-values for up differentially expressed genes in the central nucleus of the amygdala between PWK and AJ
Tier IV 2832 GS406083: Q-values for up differentially expressed genes in the central nucleus of the amygdala between PWK and NOD
Tier IV 2498 GS406094: Q-values for up differentially expressed genes in the central nucleus of the amygdala between PWK and S129
Tier IV 19215 GS406229: cc coca diffcoexp universe
Tier III 12627 GS407727: Microglia control escalation of drinking in alcohol dependent mice: Genomic and synaptic drivers, main effect Microglia depletion
Tier III 12627 GS407730: Microglia control escalation of drinking in alcohol dependent mice in the medial prefrontal cortex q-value
Tier III 12627 GS407732: Differential Gene Expression Associated with Alcohol interaction of dependence and MG depletion the medial prefrontal cortex q-value