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like "mouse, Ap3m2, alcohol"

Returning 21 results: Page 1 of 1

Tier Species Size Attr. GeneSet
Tier II 233 GS83967: cocaine induced activation 12 (Cocia12, Published QTL, Chr 16, MGI:3040203)
Tier II 156 GS84296: ethanol induced activation (Published QTL, Chr 16)
Tier II 153 GS84297: METH responses for body temperature (Published QTL, Chr 16)
Tier III 2128 GS137396: Differential Expression in the hippocampus 1 hour after fear conditioning with 3-month-old C57BL/6 mice.
Tier III 1470 GS137398: Differential expression of fear associative learning in the hippocampus with C57BL/6.
Tier III 7384 GS213076: Genes with suggestive difference in (C57BL/6) vs [(C57BL/6 x PWD)F1 + (PWD x C57BL/6)F1 + PWD] comparison
Tier IV 2892 GS406076: Q-values for down differentially expressed genes in the central nucleus of the amygdala between PWK and WSB
Tier IV 2475 GS406078: Q-values for up differentially expressed genes in the central nucleus of the amygdala between WSB and AJ
Tier IV 2767 GS406082: Q-values for up differentially expressed genes in the central nucleus of the amygdala between WSB and CAST
Tier IV 1042 GS406089: Q-values for up differentially expressed genes in the central nucleus of the amygdala between WSB and NZO
Tier IV 2892 GS406097: Q-values for down differentially expressed genes in the central nucleus of the amygdala between PWK and WSB
Tier IV 2475 GS406098: Q-values for up differentially expressed genes in the central nucleus of the amygdala between WSB and AJ
Tier IV 2767 GS406100: Q-values for up differentially expressed genes in the central nucleus of the amygdala between WSB and CAST
Tier IV 1042 GS406104: Q-values for up differentially expressed genes in the central nucleus of the amygdala between WSB and NZO
Tier IV 19215 GS406229: cc coca diffcoexp universe
Tier III 9459 GS407741: Differential gene expression in the brain associated with Alcohol Binge Drinking in bed nucleus of the stria terminalis FC
Tier III 9516 GS407744: Gene expression_Alcohol Binge Drinking_mice_Basolateral amygdala_q-value
Tier III 3091 GS407750: Glial gene expression associated with alcohol dependence in mice in astrocytes q-value
Tier III 24063 GS407756: Microglial-specific transcriptome changes following chronic alcohol consumption in mice p-value
Tier III 24063 GS407758: Microglial-specific transcriptome changes following chronic alcohol consumption in mice total homogenate p-value
Tier III 591 GS407760: Astrocyte-Specific Transcriptome Responses_Chronic alcohol in mice DEG in astrocytes total homogenate p-value