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Returning 33 results: Page 1 of 2

Tier Species Size Attr. GeneSet
Tier II 851 GS84191: alcohol preference 7 QTL (Ap7q, Published QTL, Chr 7)
Tier I 2181 GS128573: Ethanol Induced Hypothermia Chr# 7
Tier I 1034 GS128580: BECs at LORR Recovery Chr# 7
Tier I 2218 GS128593: Average rotarod training latency Chr# 7
Tier II 629 GS135346: Avp transcript abundance QTL 1 (Avptaq1, Published QTL Chr 7)
Tier II 869 GS135415: bronchial hyperresponsiveness 6 (Bhr6, Published QTL Chr 7)
Tier II 908 GS135417: beta-carboline induced seizures 4 (Bis4, Published QTL Chr 7)
Tier II 950 GS135458: bone mineral density 4 (Bomd4, Published QTL Chr 7)
Tier II 629 GS135679: Crhr1 transcript abundance QTL 1 (Crhr1taq1, Published QTL Chr 7)
Tier II 878 GS135746: experimental allergic encephalomyelitis susceptibility 12 (Eae12, Published QTL Chr 7)
Tier II 878 GS135938: HDL level 38 (Hdl38, Published QTL Chr 7)
Tier II 939 GS135988: Hfe modifier 1 (Hfem1, Published QTL Chr 7)
Tier II 565 GS136096: long bones 6 (Lbn6, Published QTL Chr 7)
Tier II 908 GS136189: lipoprotein QTL 5 (Lprq5, Published QTL Chr 7)
Tier II 618 GS136214: lupus BXSB x NZW 6 (Lxw6, Published QTL Chr 7)
Tier II 565 GS136233: mandible length 7 (Manln7, Published QTL Chr 7)
Tier II 565 GS136238: mandible size 5 (Manz5, Published QTL Chr 7)
Tier II 989 GS136253: modifier of Dlk1 (mdlk1, Published QTL Chr 7)
Tier II 798 GS136263: modifier of mammary tumor growth 3 (Mmtg3, Published QTL Chr 7)
Tier II 939 GS136264: modifier of mammary tumor progression 1 (Mmtp1, Published QTL Chr 7)
Tier II 565 GS136298: maternal performance (Mprf, Published QTL Chr 7)
Tier II 989 GS136319: non-HDL QTL 6 (Nhdlq6, Published QTL Chr 7)
Tier II 939 GS136531: prion resistance 2 (Prnr2, Published QTL Chr 7)
Tier II 705 GS136592: reactive oxygen species QTL 1 (Rosq1, Published QTL Chr 7)
Tier II 941 GS136602: sperm beat cross frequency (Sbcf, Published QTL Chr 7)