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Returning 1000 results: Page 1 of 40

Tier Species Size Attr. GeneSet
Tier IV 16 GS278798: YBX1 interacting proteins from MCF7 cells which are upregulated in breast cancer
Tier IV 37 GS278796: YBX1 interacting proteins from MCF7 cells
Tier II 1234 GS223265: Neuroinflammation QTL 9 (Neuinf9 Published QTL Chr 10)
Tier II 925 GS223296: Serum corticosterone level QTL 13 (Scort13 Published QTL Chr 10)
Tier II 925 GS223366: Serum corticosterone level QTL 19 (Scort19 Published QTL Chr 10)
Tier II 2220 GS224162: Mammary tumor resistance QTL 7 (Mamtr7 Published QTL Chr 10)
Tier II 2041 GS224230: Collagen induced arthritis QTL 16 (Cia16 Published QTL Chr 10)
Tier II 1480 GS224287: Vascular elastic tissue fragility QTL 10 (Vetf10 Published QTL Chr 10)
Tier II 1378 GS224751: Blood pressure QTL 133 (Bp133 Published QTL Chr 10)
Tier II 925 GS224847: Insulin level QTL 27 (Insul27 Published QTL Chr 10)
Tier II 1624 GS223083: Collagen induced arthritis QTL 22 (Cia22 Published QTL Chr 10)
Tier II 1890 GS223091: Collagen induced arthritis QTL 20 (Cia20 Published QTL Chr 10)
Tier II 1078 GS223101: Blood pressure QTL 148 (Bp148 Published QTL Chr 10)
Tier II 773 GS223185: Thermal response to stress QTL 1 (Btemp1 Published QTL Chr 10)
Tier II 1741 GS223305: Bone mineral density QTL 4 (Bmd4 Published QTL Chr 10)
Tier II 1057 GS223316: Adjuvant induced arthritis QTL 20 (Aia20 Published QTL Chr 10)
Tier II 1692 GS223364: Blood pressure QTL 168 (Bp168 Published QTL Chr 10)
Tier II 1160 GS223431: Blood pressure QTL 12 (Bp12 Published QTL Chr 10)
Tier II 899 GS223435: Estrogen-induced thymic atrophy QTL 1 (Esta1 Published QTL Chr 10)
Tier II 1102 GS223477: Pristane induced arthritis QTL 26 (Pia26 Published QTL Chr 10)
Tier II 782 GS223552: Stress response QTL 6 (Stresp6 Published QTL Chr 10)
Tier II 1619 GS223555: Stress response QTL 5 (Stresp5 Published QTL Chr 10)
Tier II 860 GS223590: Body weight QTL 99 (Bw99 Published QTL Chr 1)
Tier II 860 GS223668: Body weight QTL 100 (Bw100 Published QTL Chr 1)
Tier II 1281 GS223754: Hepatic cholesterol level QTL 2 (Hpcl2 Published QTL Chr 10)