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Returning 590 results: Page 1 of 24

Tier Species Size Attr. GeneSet
Tier I 2 GS270857: GWAS Catalog Data for breast carcinoma in 302 European ancestry female cases, 321 European ancestry female controls
Tier III 78 GS218378: Chr 5 locus for Factor 2 from PCA of COGA explaining 14% of variance in alcohol related characteristics.
Tier IV 8709 GS391: RIKEN Cerebellum C57BL/6J Development Series
Tier III 543 GS864: Sey_Pax6_Age_Reduced_Upward_Para
Tier III 346 GS1140: Differential expression in brain of 22TNJ, a high alcohol-induced locomotor activation mutant
Tier II 65 GS34177: Striatum Gene expression correlates of Morphine Response Severity of abdominal constriction in Females & Males BXD
Tier II 19 GS34232: Hippocampus Gene expression correlates of Light-Dark Box Percentage of distance traveled in light compartment in Males BXD
Tier II 45 GS35324: Whole Brain Gene expression correlates of Open Field rears 0-15 min post saline in Females & Males BXD
Tier II 116 GS35916: Striatum Gene expression correlates of Handling induced convulsions 6 hrs after ethanol in Females & Males BXD
Tier II 230 GS84282: high-dose ethanol actions (Published QTL, Chr 15)
Tier II 165 GS84283: METH responses for home cage activity (Published QTL, Chr 15)
Tier V 885 GS115112: Mean ethanol consumption 6 (Mec6, Published QTL, Chr 15)
Tier I 257 GS115121: Loss of righting induced by ethanol 5
Tier I 1483 GS122847: nickel sulfate interacting with Homo sapiens associated genes (MeSH:C029938) in CTD
Tier I 4493 GS123048: Tretinoin interacting with Homo sapiens associated genes (MeSH:D014212) in CTD
Tier I 3407 GS123595: Progesterone interacting with Ovis aries associated genes (MeSH:D011374) in CTD
Tier I 2885 GS124199: potassium chromate(VI) interacting with Homo sapiens associated genes (MeSH:C027373) in CTD
Tier I 1463 GS124711: Genistein interacting with Homo sapiens associated genes (MeSH:D019833) in CTD
Tier I 201 GS125545: Iron interacting with Homo sapiens associated genes (MeSH:D007501) in CTD
Tier I 214 GS125968: Methylmercury Compounds interacting with Homo sapiens associated genes (MeSH:D008767) in CTD
Tier II 159 GS129088: bronchial hyperresponsiveness 2 (Bhr2 Published QTL Chr 15)
Tier II 187 GS135223: alcohol acceptance QTL 1 (Aaq1, Published QTL Chr 15)
Tier II 310 GS135305: angiogenesis due to FGF2 QTL 3 (Angfq3, Published QTL Chr 15)
Tier II 392 GS135320: accelerator of polyoma-induced mammary tumors 1 (Apmt1, Published QTL Chr 15)
Tier II 173 GS135372: body length 2 (Bdln2, Published QTL Chr 15)