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Returning 284 results: Page 1 of 12

Tier Species Size Attr. GeneSet
Tier I 3212 GS128575: Ethanol induced LORR Chr# 2
Tier II 242 GS129114: collagen induced arthritis QTL 4 (Cia4 Published QTL Chr 2)
Tier II 329 GS129163: proteoglycan induced spondylitis 2 (Pgis2 Published QTL Chr 2)
Tier II 326 GS135222: aromatase activity QTL 3 (Aaiq3, Published QTL Chr 2)
Tier II 321 GS135244: adiposity 10 (Adip10, Published QTL Chr 2)
Tier II 446 GS135441: bone marrow graft rejection 2 (Bmgr2, Published QTL Chr 2)
Tier II 446 GS135533: cobblestone area-forming cell number QTL 1 (Cafcnq1, Published QTL Chr 2)
Tier II 432 GS135721: variability in response to cholestrol enriched atherogenic diet (Diet1, Published QTL Chr 2)
Tier II 532 GS135816: ethanol induced ataxia 3 (Etax3, Published QTL Chr 2)
Tier II 456 GS135820: ethanol consumption 1 (Etohc1, Published QTL Chr 2)
Tier II 529 GS135847: femoral cross-sectional area 5 (Fcsa5, Published QTL Chr 2)
Tier II 456 GS135851: fecundity QTL 1 (Fecq1, Published QTL Chr 2)
Tier II 524 GS136035: induction of brown adipocytes 6 (Iba6, Published QTL Chr 2)
Tier II 534 GS136074: insulin QTL 7 (Insq7, Published QTL Chr 2)
Tier II 526 GS136087: lean body mass 1 (Lbm1, Published QTL Chr 2)
Tier II 446 GS136228: mandible length 2 (Manln2, Published QTL Chr 2)
Tier II 532 GS136471: periosteal circumference and femur length 1 (Pcfm1, Published QTL Chr 2)
Tier II 520 GS136515: plasma plant sterol 2a (Plast2a, Published QTL Chr 2)
Tier II 520 GS136522: platelet quantitative locus 1 (Pltq1, Published QTL Chr 2)
Tier II 533 GS136554: pentylenetetrazol induced seizure susceptibility 1b (Ptz1b, Published QTL Chr 2)
Tier II 520 GS136603: spinal bone mineral density 1 (Sbmd1, Published QTL Chr 2)
Tier II 520 GS136604: spinal bone mineral density 2 (Sbmd2, Published QTL Chr 2)
Tier II 527 GS136612: colon tumor susceptibility 2 (Scc2, Published QTL Chr 2)
Tier II 434 GS136889: voluntary alcohol consumption QTL 3 (Vacq3, Published QTL Chr 2)
Tier II 458 GS136890: voluntary alcohol consumption QTL 4 (Vacq4, Published QTL Chr 2)