Dysregulation of NRSF/REST via EHMT1 is associated with psychiatric disorders and Kleefstra syndrome, Z scores
EHMT1 is an epigenetic repressor that is causal for Kleefstra Syndrome (KS), a neurodevelopmental disorder (NDD) leading to intelectual disability, and is associated with schizophrenia. Here, the researchers aim to show we show that reduced EHMT1 activity decreases NRSF/REST protein leading to abnormal neuronal gene expression and progression of neurodevelopment in human iPSC. Five induced pluripotent stem cell samples (from fibroblasts of adult, male, skin) were used. The stem cells were gifted from: Lieber Institute for Brain Development, Johns Hopkins Medical Campus. Total RNA extracted from a control hiPSC line and control cells treated for 72h with various concentrations of UNC0638 i.e 50, 100, 200 or 250nM as a model for Kleefstra syndrome. Polyadenylated adaptors were ligated to the 3′-end, 5′-adaptors were then ligated, and the resulting RNAs were reverse transcribed to generate cDNA that can be amplified by PCR. The amplified product was run on low range ultra agarose in TBE buffer and a size-selection was performed to ensure that the cDNA used for sequencing primarily contains miRNAs rather than other RNA contaminants. Expression values were calculated by the method detailed in 'HBA-DEALS: accurate and simultaneous identification of differential expression and splicing using hierarchical Bayesian analysis' (Genome Biol. 2020, PMID: 32660516), and Z scores calculated. Genes were annotated as Ensembl gene ids. SRA Study id ERP130338.
Differentially expressed genes from RPE compared to Normal Retina
Transcriptome profiling from macular retina and RPE/choroid samples from 27 unrelated eye tissue donors, was performed using RNA-sequencing. Human donor eye collection were obtained from Utah Lions Eye Bank within a 6-hour post-mortem interval and donors aged 60-90 years. Sample types were Normal Retina, Intermediate AMD Retina, Neovascular AMD Retina, Normal macular retina pigment epithelium (RPE), Intermediate AMD RPE, and Neovascular AMD RPE. Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) phenotyping was determined using the Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS) severity grading scale, where AREDS category 0/1 was considered normal, AREDS category 3 intermediate AMD, and AREDS category 4b neovascular AMD. Samples from Normal RPE were compared to Normal Retina, and are presented with fold change > 1.5 and and P < 0.05. This gene set was annotated from the Supplementry Table of BioRxiv pre-print paper ‘Patterns of gene expression and allele-specific expression vary among macular tissues and clinical stages of Age-related Macular Degeneration’ by Zhang et.al (2022) doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.19.521092
Data from GEO GSE194368 and analyzed using GEO2R, only top gene shown. Authors identified transcriptional adaptations of GR signaling in the amygdala of humans with OUD. Thus, GRs, their coregulators and downstream systems may represent viable therapeutic targets to treat the “stress side” of OUD.
Stephanie A Carmack, Janaina C M Vendruscolo, M Adrienne McGinn, Jorge Miranda-Barrientos, Vez Repunte-Canonigo, Gabriel D Bosse, Daniele Mercatelli, Federico M Giorgi, Yu Fu, Anthony J Hinrich, Francine M Jodelka, Karen Ling, Robert O Messing, Randall T Peterson, Frank Rigo, Scott Edwards, Pietro P Sanna, Marisela Morales, Michelle L Hastings, George F Koob, Leandro F Vendruscolo
Data from GEO GSE194368 and analyzed using GEO2R, only top gene shown. Authors identified transcriptional adaptations of GR signaling in the amygdala of humans with OUD. Thus, GRs, their coregulators and downstream systems may represent viable therapeutic targets to treat the “stress side” of OUD.
Stephanie A Carmack, Janaina C M Vendruscolo, M Adrienne McGinn, Jorge Miranda-Barrientos, Vez Repunte-Canonigo, Gabriel D Bosse, Daniele Mercatelli, Federico M Giorgi, Yu Fu, Anthony J Hinrich, Francine M Jodelka, Karen Ling, Robert O Messing, Randall T Peterson, Frank Rigo, Scott Edwards, Pietro P Sanna, Marisela Morales, Michelle L Hastings, George F Koob, Leandro F Vendruscolo
Transcriptional alterations in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and nucleus accumbens implicate neuroinflammation and synaptic remodeling in opioid use disorder. Transcriptomic profile of 20 control subjects and 20 OUD subjects in brain region DLPFC and NAC. Analyzed using GEO2R (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GSE174409) separately for each brain region, comparing OUD and control samples.
Xiangning Xue, Wei Zong, Jill R Glausier, Sam-Moon Kim, Micah A Shelton, BaDoi N Phan, Chaitanya Srinivasan, Andreas R Pfenning, George C Tseng, David A Lewis, Marianne L Seney, Ryan W Logan
Transcriptional alterations in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and nucleus accumbens implicate neuroinflammation and synaptic remodeling in opioid use disorder. Transcriptomic profile of 20 control subjects and 20 OUD subjects in brain region DLPFC and NAC. Analyzed using GEO2R (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GSE174409) separately for each brain region, comparing OUD and control samples.
Xiangning Xue, Wei Zong, Jill R Glausier, Sam-Moon Kim, Micah A Shelton, BaDoi N Phan, Chaitanya Srinivasan, Andreas R Pfenning, George C Tseng, David A Lewis, Marianne L Seney, Ryan W Logan
Transcriptional alterations in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and nucleus accumbens implicate neuroinflammation and synaptic remodeling in opioid use disorder. Transcriptomic profile of 20 control subjects and 20 OUD subjects in brain region DLPFC and NAC. Analyzed using GEO2R (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GSE174409) separately for each brain region, comparing OUD and control samples.
Xiangning Xue, Wei Zong, Jill R Glausier, Sam-Moon Kim, Micah A Shelton, BaDoi N Phan, Chaitanya Srinivasan, Andreas R Pfenning, George C Tseng, David A Lewis, Marianne L Seney, Ryan W Logan
Postmortem tissue samples of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) from 153 deceased individuals (Mage = 35.4; 62% male; 77% European ancestry). Study groups included 72 brain samples from individuals who died of acute opioid intoxication, 53 psychiatric controls, and 28 normal controls. Whole transcriptome RNA-sequencing was used to generate exon counts, and differential expression was tested using limma-voom. Analyses were adjusted for relevant sociodemographic characteristics, technical covariates, and cryptic relatedness using quality surrogate variables. Weighted correlation network analysis and gene set enrichment analyses also were conducted.
David W Sosnowski, Andrew E Jaffe, Ran Tao, Amy Deep-Soboslay, Chang Shu, Sarven Sabunciyan, Joel E Kleinman, Thomas M Hyde, Brion S Maher
Postmortem tissue samples of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) from 153 deceased individuals (Mage = 35.4; 62% male; 77% European ancestry). Study groups included 72 brain samples from individuals who died of acute opioid intoxication, 53 psychiatric controls, and 28 normal controls. Whole transcriptome RNA-sequencing was used to generate exon counts, and differential expression was tested using limma-voom. Analyses were adjusted for relevant sociodemographic characteristics, technical covariates, and cryptic relatedness using quality surrogate variables. Weighted correlation network analysis and gene set enrichment analyses also were conducted.
David W Sosnowski, Andrew E Jaffe, Ran Tao, Amy Deep-Soboslay, Chang Shu, Sarven Sabunciyan, Joel E Kleinman, Thomas M Hyde, Brion S Maher
Human induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) lines, A and B, derived from two healthy adult male individuals, were used to generate hCOs for RNA-sequencing. Methodone treatment began on Day 9 of organoid culture, the first day of the neural proliferation stage, and concluded at Day 60. Nuclease-free water was used as a vehicular control. Cortical organoids were collected 2 months (60 days) after initiating organoid culture. Each well of hCOs (15–20 organoids) was a separate biological replicate for a given treatment condition (i.e., treated or untreated). RNA was extracted from frozen organoid pellets using the Direct-Zol Miniprep Plus Kit (Zymo, Irvine, CA) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Samples were multiplexed and sequenced on the Illumina NovaSeq 6000 S4 to produce approximately 100 million, 100 base pair, paired end reads per sample. 3 control and 3 methadone-treated samples were sequenced from cell line A, and 4 control and 4 treated samples from cell line B. Raw fastq file quality assessment and read alignment to the hg19 genome (GRCh37, RefSeq GCF_000001405.13) were performed. Significantly differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were selected based on the confident effect size of their log2(Fold Change) values at FDR<0.05. Genes presented are without cutoffs and were obtained using the GEO2R tool by GW curators (GEO accession: GSE210682).
Ila Dwivedi, Andrew B Caldwell, Dan Zhou, Wei Wu, Shankar Subramaniam, Gabriel G Haddad
Human induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) lines, A and B, derived from two healthy adult male individuals, were used to generate hCOs for RNA-sequencing. Methodone treatment began on Day 9 of organoid culture, the first day of the neural proliferation stage, and concluded at Day 60. Nuclease-free water was used as a vehicular control. Cortical organoids were collected 2 months (60 days) after initiating organoid culture. Each well of hCOs (15–20 organoids) was a separate biological replicate for a given treatment condition (i.e., treated or untreated). RNA was extracted from frozen organoid pellets using the Direct-Zol Miniprep Plus Kit (Zymo, Irvine, CA) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Samples were multiplexed and sequenced on the Illumina NovaSeq 6000 S4 to produce approximately 100 million, 100 base pair, paired end reads per sample. 3 control and 3 methadone-treated samples were sequenced from cell line A, and 4 control and 4 treated samples from cell line B. Raw fastq file quality assessment and read alignment to the hg19 genome (GRCh37, RefSeq GCF_000001405.13) were performed. Significantly differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were selected based on the confident effect size of their log2(Fold Change) values at FDR<0.05. Genes presented are without cutoffs and were obtained using the GEO2R tool by GW curators (GEO accession: GSE210682).
Ila Dwivedi, Andrew B Caldwell, Dan Zhou, Wei Wu, Shankar Subramaniam, Gabriel G Haddad
DEG methadone human cortical organoids cell line A_pvalue
Human induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) lines, A and B, derived from two healthy adult male individuals, were used to generate hCOs for RNA-sequencing. Methodone treatment began on Day 9 of organoid culture, the first day of the neural proliferation stage, and concluded at Day 60. Nuclease-free water was used as a vehicular control. Cortical organoids were collected 2 months (60 days) after initiating organoid culture. Each well of hCOs (15–20 organoids) was a separate biological replicate for a given treatment condition (i.e., treated or untreated). RNA was extracted from frozen organoid pellets using the Direct-Zol Miniprep Plus Kit (Zymo, Irvine, CA) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Samples were multiplexed and sequenced on the Illumina NovaSeq 6000 S4 to produce approximately 100 million, 100 base pair, paired end reads per sample. 3 control and 3 methadone-treated samples were sequenced from cell line A, and 4 control and 4 treated samples from cell line B. Raw fastq file quality assessment and read alignment to the hg19 genome (GRCh37, RefSeq GCF_000001405.13) were performed. Significantly differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were selected based on the confident effect size of their log2(Fold Change) values at FDR<0.05. Genes presented are without cutoffs and were obtained using the GEO2R tool by GW curators (GEO accession: GSE210682).
Ila Dwivedi, Andrew B Caldwell, Dan Zhou, Wei Wu, Shankar Subramaniam, Gabriel G Haddad
DEG methadone human cortical organoids cell line A_qvalue
Human induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) lines, A and B, derived from two healthy adult male individuals, were used to generate hCOs for RNA-sequencing. Methodone treatment began on Day 9 of organoid culture, the first day of the neural proliferation stage, and concluded at Day 60. Nuclease-free water was used as a vehicular control. Cortical organoids were collected 2 months (60 days) after initiating organoid culture. Each well of hCOs (15–20 organoids) was a separate biological replicate for a given treatment condition (i.e., treated or untreated). RNA was extracted from frozen organoid pellets using the Direct-Zol Miniprep Plus Kit (Zymo, Irvine, CA) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Samples were multiplexed and sequenced on the Illumina NovaSeq 6000 S4 to produce approximately 100 million, 100 base pair, paired end reads per sample. 3 control and 3 methadone-treated samples were sequenced from cell line A, and 4 control and 4 treated samples from cell line B. Raw fastq file quality assessment and read alignment to the hg19 genome (GRCh37, RefSeq GCF_000001405.13) were performed. Significantly differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were selected based on the confident effect size of their log2(Fold Change) values at FDR<0.05. Genes presented are without cutoffs and were obtained using the GEO2R tool by GW curators (GEO accession: GSE210682).
Ila Dwivedi, Andrew B Caldwell, Dan Zhou, Wei Wu, Shankar Subramaniam, Gabriel G Haddad
Whole brain expression correlates of ethanol withdrawal in BXD RI mice based on phenotype data in the 1997 Buck et al manuscript. Expression correlates were generated using GeneNetwork.org
Whole Brain Gene Expression Correlates for HAND_7HOURS measured in BXD RI Females & Males obtained using INIA Brain mRNA M430 (Jun06) RMA. The HAND_7HOURS measures Handling induced convulsions 7 hrs after ethanol under the domain Ethanol HIC. The correlates were thresholded at a p-value of less than 0.001.
Philip VM, Duvvuru S, Gomero B, Ansah TA, Blaha CD, Cook MN, Hamre KM, Lariviere WR, Matthews DB, Mittleman G, Goldowitz D, Chesler EJ
Whole Brain Gene Expression Correlates for HAND_7HOURS measured in BXD RI Males obtained using INIA Brain mRNA M430 (Jun06) RMA. The HAND_7HOURS measures Handling induced convulsions 7 hrs after ethanol under the domain Ethanol HIC. The correlates were thresholded at a p-value of less than 0.001.
Philip VM, Duvvuru S, Gomero B, Ansah TA, Blaha CD, Cook MN, Hamre KM, Lariviere WR, Matthews DB, Mittleman G, Goldowitz D, Chesler EJ
Neocortex Gene Expression Correlates for ZM_PCT_OPEN measured in BXD RI Females & Males obtained using GeneNetwork Neocortex ILM6v1.1 (Feb08) RankInv. The ZM_PCT_OPEN measures Zero Maze - Percentage open time under the domain Basal Behavior. The correlates were thresholded at a p-value of less than 0.001.
Philip VM, Duvvuru S, Gomero B, Ansah TA, Blaha CD, Cook MN, Hamre KM, Lariviere WR, Matthews DB, Mittleman G, Goldowitz D, Chesler EJ
Genes associated with Homo sapiens that interact with the MeSH term 'Arsenates' (D001149). Incorporates data from 3698 publications curated by the Comparative Toxicogenomics Database (CTD). ODE Gene scores represent number of supporting publications per gene.
Genes associated with Equus caballus that interact with the MeSH term 'Castor Oil' (D002368). Incorporates data from 887 publications curated by the Comparative Toxicogenomics Database (CTD). ODE Gene scores represent number of supporting publications per gene.
Genes associated with Homo sapiens that interact with the MeSH term 'Atrazine' (D001280). Incorporates data from 48 publications curated by the Comparative Toxicogenomics Database (CTD). ODE Gene scores represent number of supporting publications per gene.
Genes associated with Homo sapiens that interact with the MeSH term 'trichostatin A' (C012589). Incorporates data from 1 publications curated by the Comparative Toxicogenomics Database (CTD). ODE Gene scores represent number of supporting publications per gene.
Genes associated with Homo sapiens that interact with the MeSH term 'Grape Seed Proanthocyanidins' (C511402). Incorporates data from 3 publications curated by the Comparative Toxicogenomics Database (CTD). ODE Gene scores represent number of supporting publications per gene.
Genes associated with Homo sapiens that interact with the MeSH term 'Catechin' (D002392). Incorporates data from 12 publications curated by the Comparative Toxicogenomics Database (CTD). ODE Gene scores represent number of supporting publications per gene.
Genes associated with Homo sapiens that interact with the MeSH term 'Benzo(a)pyrene' (D001564). Incorporates data from 3 publications curated by the Comparative Toxicogenomics Database (CTD). ODE Gene scores represent number of supporting publications per gene.
Rotarod Baseline Chr# X rs3702256 (131483732) with right flanking marker CEL-X_106858553 (112637354) and left marker gnfX.148.995 (165265639). This was mapped in 300 + (b6x129)F2 mice.
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