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like "mouse, Ap3m2, alcohol"

Returning 39 results: Page 1 of 2

Tier Species Size Attr. GeneSet
Tier II 186 GS35251: Striatum Gene expression correlates of Maximum startle response to 70 db in Females BXD
Tier II 288 GS35261: Striatum Gene expression correlates of Maximum startle response to 80 db in Females BXD
Tier II 222 GS35266: Striatum Gene expression correlates of Maximum startle response to 80 db in Males BXD
Tier II 391 GS35271: Striatum Gene expression correlates of Maximum startle response to 85 db in Females BXD
Tier II 300 GS35276: Striatum Gene expression correlates of Maximum startle response to 85 db in Males BXD
Tier II 462 GS84193: alcohol preference locus 11, male specific (Alcp11, Published QTL, Chr 7)
Tier IV 1229 GS357583: Mouse_VTA_cocaine_self-admin_DEGS.05
Tier IV 51914 GS405734: WWP1 KO vs WT
Tier IV 2623 GS406013: Q-values for down differentially expressed genes in the central nucleus of the amygdala between B6 and PWK
Tier IV 3081 GS406024: Q-values for down differentially expressed genes in the central nucleus of the amygdala between B6 and WSB
Tier IV 2623 GS406037: Q-values for down differentially expressed genes in the central nucleus of the amygdala between B6 and PWK
Tier IV 777 GS406044: Q-values for down differentially expressed genes in the central nucleus of the amygdala between NOD and NZO
Tier IV 3081 GS406047: Q-values for down differentially expressed genes in the central nucleus of the amygdala between B6 and WSB
Tier IV 2837 GS406050: Q-values for up differentially expressed genes in the central nucleus of the amygdala between PWK and AJ
Tier IV 2048 GS406054: Q-values for up differentially expressed genes in the central nucleus of the amygdala between PWK and CAST
Tier IV 2832 GS406057: Q-values for up differentially expressed genes in the central nucleus of the amygdala between PWK and NOD
Tier IV 2336 GS406061: Q-values for up differentially expressed genes in the central nucleus of the amygdala between PWK and NZO
Tier IV 2498 GS406065: Q-values for up differentially expressed genes in the central nucleus of the amygdala between PWK and S129
Tier IV 777 GS406069: Q-values for down differentially expressed genes in the central nucleus of the amygdala between NOD and NZO
Tier IV 2837 GS406075: Q-values for up differentially expressed genes in the central nucleus of the amygdala between PWK and AJ
Tier IV 2892 GS406076: Q-values for down differentially expressed genes in the central nucleus of the amygdala between PWK and WSB
Tier IV 2475 GS406078: Q-values for up differentially expressed genes in the central nucleus of the amygdala between WSB and AJ
Tier IV 2048 GS406079: Q-values for up differentially expressed genes in the central nucleus of the amygdala between PWK and CAST
Tier IV 2767 GS406082: Q-values for up differentially expressed genes in the central nucleus of the amygdala between WSB and CAST
Tier IV 2832 GS406083: Q-values for up differentially expressed genes in the central nucleus of the amygdala between PWK and NOD