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like "mouse, Ap3m2, alcohol"

Returning 72 results: Page 1 of 3

Tier Species Size Attr. GeneSet
Tier IV 1901 GS408980: Differentially expressed genes in hypothalamus identified in microarray analysis between chronic alcohol consumption and water-only control in ICR outbred mice (p < 0.05)_pvalue
Tier III 1254 GS1047: Math1 430A Equal Variance T-test
Tier III 1254 GS1053: Math1A E15 T-Test by Thomas
Tier II 24 GS36105: Whole Brain Gene expression correlates of Baseline activity in fear conditioning apparatus in Males BXD
Tier I 191 GS227126: MSigDB Geneset - GSE27786_LSK_VS_ERYTHROBLAST_DN
Tier I 192 GS229224: MSigDB Geneset - GSE17721_PAM3CSK4_VS_CPG_12H_BMDM_UP
Tier I 195 GS229339: MSigDB Geneset - GSE17721_CPG_VS_GARDIQUIMOD_12H_BMDM_DN
Tier I 191 GS229569: MSigDB Geneset - GSE27786_LIN_NEG_VS_ERYTHROBLAST_DN
Tier I 191 GS229800: MSigDB Geneset - GSE32423_CTRL_VS_IL7_MEMORY_CD8_TCELL_UP
Tier IV 23905 GS408379: Differential gene expression in nucleus accumbens somatostatin interneurons that regulate behavioral responses to cocaine in mice_pvalue
Tier III 16164 GS407778: PPAR agonists regulate brain gene expression: Liver alcohol consumption mice tesaglitazar q-value
Tier IV 8709 GS391: RIKEN Cerebellum C57BL/6J Development Series
Tier III 16164 GS407776: PPAR agonists regulate brain gene expression: Liver alcohol consumption mice fenofibrate q-value
Tier I 11273 GS211618: AONd: Anterior olfactory nucleus, dorsal part
Tier I 9751 GS211816: ORBl1: Orbital area, lateral part, layer 1
Tier I 10562 GS212157: ORBvl1: Orbital area, ventrolateral part, layer 1
Tier III 5242 GS213077: Genes with suggestive difference in (PWD) vs [(PWD x C57BL/6)F1 + (C57BL/6 x PWD)F1 + C57BL/6] comparison
Tier I 7651 GS185131: GO:0044699 single-organism process
Tier I 7572 GS211581: CNlam: Granular lamina of the cochlear nuclei
Tier I 6914 GS211589: KF: Koelliker-Fuse subnucleus
Tier I 9411 GS211623: AONe: Anterior olfactory nucleus, external part
Tier I 8581 GS211628: AONl: Anterior olfactory nucleus, lateral part
Tier I 7172 GS212096: PBG: Parabigeminal nucleus
Tier II 872 GS129103: bone mineral density 5 (Bmd5 Published QTL Chr 1)
Tier II 468 GS136180: loss of righting induced by ethanol 8 (Lore8, Published QTL Chr 1)