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like "mouse, Ap3m2, alcohol"

Returning 7 results: Page 1 of 1

Tier Species Size Attr. GeneSet
Tier IV 19215 GS406229: cc coca diffcoexp universe
Tier IV 411 GS407133: DO Striatum WGCNA greenyellow module
Tier III 15099 GS407887: Differentially expressed genes in FACS-purified oligodendrocytes in male C57BL/6 mice 4h after saline or morphine injection_qvalue
Tier IV 4520 GS408304: Differentially expressed genes in FACS-purified oligodendrocytes in male C57BL/6 mice 4h after saline or morphine injection_qvalue_0.05subset
Tier IV 23295 GS408379: Differential gene expression in nucleus accumbens somatostatin interneurons that regulate behavioral responses to cocaine in mice_pvalue
Tier IV 12494 GS409034: Differentially expressed gene transcripts as main effect of brain region (hippocampus, cortex, other) in C57BL/6J and DBA/2J associated with CIE_pvalue
Tier IV 5444 GS409037: Differentially expressed gene transcripts as main effect of brain region (hippocampus, cortex, other) in C57BL/6J and DBA/2J associated with CIE (p < 0.01)_pvalue