GeneSet Information

Tier IV GS409053 • Significantly differentially expressed genes in excitatory neurons (cluster 11) of mouse prefrontal cortex P21 vs. P60_pvalue


We performed single cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) to classify all neuron subtypes in prefrontal cortex (PFC) of adolescent (P21) (N = 4) and adult (P60) (N = 12) male C57BL/6 mice (strain mentioned but not explicit in publication) to characterize the transcriptional changes associated with this period (P21-P60). 12 independent biological replicates were used for each age. Each biological replicate was generated by pooling brain tissue from two mice (see methods for more info). To detect similar populations and identify corresponding cell clusters between the 10,646 P21 cells and the 11, 886 P60 PFC cells, we aligned the two scRNA-seq data sets in t-SNE by cross-correlation analysis (CCA)17 (Fig. ​(Fig.4a).4a). Using bootstrapped correlation, all clusters identified in the adult PFC are detected in the P21 PFC. Based on the expression of cell type-specific markers, the non-neuronal cells were clustered as: astrocytes (Gja1+), oligodendrocyte (Aspa+), newly formed (NF) oligodendrocytes (Bmp4+), oligodendrocyte precursors (OPC) (Pdgfra+), microglia (C1qa+) and endothelial cells (Flt1+) (Fig. 1c, d). The neurons express Snap25 and can be divided into excitatory (Slc17a7+) and inhibitory (Gad2+) neurons (Fig. 1c, d). We then analyzed transcriptional dynamics in each of the neuron subtypes between adolescence (P21) and adulthood (P60) in mouse. The differentially expressed genes between P21 and P60 cells for each cluster was performed using the “FindMarkers” function from the Seurat package using a likelihood ratio test and correcting for the number of detected unique molecular identifier (UMI) bias. Genelists contain significantly differentiated genes in each cell population cluster with fold change > 1.5 and p < 0.05.


Sig. DEG mouse PFC excitatory neurons (cluster 11) P21 vs. P60_pvalue









Aritra Bhattacherjee, Mohamed Nadhir Djekidel, Renchao Chen, Wenqiang Chen, Luis M Tuesta, Yi Zhang


Cell type-specific transcriptional programs in mouse prefrontal cortex during adolescence and addiction.


Nature communications Sep 2019, Vol 10, pp. 4169


Coordinated activity-induced transcriptional changes across multiple neuron subtypes of the prefrontal cortex (PFC) play a pivotal role in encoding and regulating major cognitive behaviors. Yet, the specific transcriptional programs in each neuron subtype remain unknown. Using single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq), here we comprehensively classify all unique cell subtypes in the PFC. We analyze transcriptional dynamics of each cell subtype under a naturally adaptive and an induced condition. Adaptive changes during adolescence (between P21 and P60), a highly dynamic phase of postnatal neuroplasticity, profoundly impacted transcription in each neuron subtype, including cell type-specific regulation of genes implicated in major neuropsychiatric disorders. On the other hand, an induced plasticity evoked by chronic cocaine addiction resulted in progressive transcriptional changes in multiple neuron subtypes and became most pronounced upon prolonged drug withdrawal. Our findings lay a foundation for understanding cell type-specific postnatal transcriptional dynamics under normal PFC function and in neuropsychiatric disease states. PUBMED: 31519873
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Annotation Information

No sequence read archive data associated with this GeneSet.

Social Control, Formal (D012926)
Disease (D004194)
Endothelial Cells (D042783)
Behavior (D001519)
Biological Products (D001688)
Astrocytes (D001253)
Adolescent (D000293)
Neurons (D009474)
Neuronal Plasticity (D009473)
Prefrontal Cortex (D017397)
Pharmaceutical Preparations (D004364)
Cocaine-Related Disorders (D019970)
Cocaine (D003042)
Sequence Analysis, RNA (D017423)
Oligodendroglia (D009836)
Bias (Epidemiology) (D015982)
RNA, Small Cytoplasmic (D020733)
Microglia (D017628)
frontal association cortex (MA:0000906)
addiction (MP:0002555)
no abnormal phenotype detected (MP:0002169)
biological regulation (GO:0065007)
transcription, DNA-dependent (GO:0006351)
Cell biology resources (EDAM_topic:2229)
Transcriptomics (EDAM_topic:0203)
Transcription (EDAM_topic:0110)
Disease resources (EDAM_topic:0634)
maleate(2-) (CHEBI:30780)
cocaine(1+) (CHEBI:60056)
advanced glycation end-product (CHEBI:84123)
ribonucleic acid (CHEBI:33697)
perfluorinated compound (CHEBI:134091)
RNA-seq evidence (ECO:0000295)
disease (DOID:4)
substance withdrawal syndrome (EFO:0005800)
cell type (EFO:0000324)
postnatal (EFO:0002948)
cholangiocarcinoma (EFO:0005221)
cocaine dependence (EFO:0002610)
biological replicate (EFO:0002091)
differentiated (EFO:0002954)
rostral octaval nerve motor nucleus (UBERON:2002175)
prefrontal bone (UBERON:0010750)
male organism (UBERON:0003101)
adult organism (UBERON:0007023)
prefrontal cortex (UBERON:0000451)
adult cerebral ganglion (UBERON:6110636)

Gene List • 58 Genes

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