GeneSet Information

Tier IV GS409032 • Differentially expressed genes in male rhesus macaque prefrontal cortex microarray associated with chronic ethanol vs. control_pvalue


Tissue from 46 adult male rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta), aged 5 to 11 years, was used in this study. These animals, individually housed at the Oregon National Primate Research Center, were induced to drink ethanol by schedule-induced polydipsia per previously published methods (Grant et al., 2008; Helms et al., 2014), and were then allowed 22 h per day of ad libitum access to water and 4% (w/v) ethanol in water for a period of 1 year. Control animals were age-matched within cohorts, were given daily maltose dextran solution (calorically matched to an ethanol drinker) and had access to water during all portions of the experiment. After 1 year of open access to ethanol, necropsy was performed within 4 h of last access to ethanol, and tissue deposited into the Monkey Alcohol Tissue Research Resource (MATRR). No actual animal experiments were conducted during these studies. The animals used for these studies comprised MATRR rhesus cohorts 4, 5, 7a, and 7b. Samples of monkey medial prefrontal cortex (PFC) (anterior cingulate and subgenual cortex; Brodmann areas 24, 25, and 32) were obtained from the MATRR. Affymetrix GeneChip® Rhesus Macaque Genome Arrays were used to measure monkey gene expression. Monkey RNA samples were processed for microarray analysis in two groups (cohorts 4 and 5, followed by cohorts 7a and 7b) consisting of eight batches processed in a supervised randomization scheme to minimize batch effects, as described previously by our laboratories (Kerns et al., 2005; Wolen and Miles, 2012; Smith et al., 2016). Microarrays for two animals failed quality control standards, and one animal was deemed an outlier by hierarchical clustering of RMA data, leaving 43 animals/arrays (32 ethanol drinking, 11 control).


DEG macaque PFC microarray EtOH vs. control_pvalue









James W Bogenpohl, Maren L Smith, Sean P Farris, Catherine I Dumur, Marcelo F Lopez, Howard C Becker, Kathleen A Grant, Michael F Miles 


Cross-Species Co-analysis of Prefrontal Cortex Chronic Ethanol Transcriptome Responses in Mice and Monkeys


Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience Aug 2019, Vol 12, pp. 1-18


Despite recent extensive genomic and genetic studies on behavioral responses to ethanol, relatively few new therapeutic targets for the treatment of alcohol use disorder have been validated. Here, we describe a cross-species genomic approach focused on identifying gene networks associated with chronic ethanol consumption. To identify brain mechanisms underlying a chronic ethanol consumption phenotype highly relevant to human alcohol use disorder, and to elucidate potential future therapeutic targets, we conducted a genomic study in a non-human primate model of chronic open-access ethanol consumption. Microarray analysis of RNA expression in anterior cingulate and subgenual cortices from rhesus macaques was performed across multiple cohorts of animals. Gene networks correlating with ethanol consumption or showing enrichment for ethanol-regulated genes were identified, as were major ethanol-related hub genes within these networks. A subsequent consensus module analysis was used to co-analyze monkey data with expression data from a chronic intermittent ethanol vapor-exposure and consumption model in C57BL/6J mice. Ethanol-related gene networks conserved between primates and rodents were enriched for genes involved in discrete biological functions, including; myelination, synaptic transmission, chromatin modification, Golgi apparatus function, translation, cellular respiration, and RNA processing. The myelin-related network, in particular, showed strong correlations with ethanol consumption behavior and displayed marked network reorganization between control and ethanol-drinking animals. Further bioinformatics analysis revealed that these networks also showed highly significant overlap with other ethanol-regulated gene sets. Altogether, these studies provide robust primate and rodent cross-species validation of gene networks associated with chronic ethanol consumption. Our results also suggest potential novel focal points for future therapeutic interventions in alcohol use disorder. PUBMED: 31456662
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