GeneSet Information

Tier IV GS408943 • Differentially expressed genes C57BL/6J hippocampus chronic intermittent ethanol (CIE) by vapor chamber (drinkers) vs. air (nondrinkers) FDR < 0.01 (gene symbol)_qvalue


Adult male C57BL/6J mice were purchased from Jackson Laboratories (Bar Harbor, ME, USA) at 10 weeks of age. Mice were kept under a 12-hour light/dark cycle and given free access to water and standard rodent chow (Harland, Teklad, Madison, WI). Studies were designed to determine genomic responses and interactions between two different ethanol exposure models: intermittent cycles of ethanol vapor exposure in inhalation chambers (CIE), and oral consumption of 15% (v/v) ethanol in a limited access (2 h/session) paradigm. Mice were divided into 4 treatment groups (n = 12/group): the “CIE Drinking” group received inhaled ethanol in the vapor chambers followed by 2-bottle choice ethanol drinking in between vapor exposure cycles; the “Air Drinking” group received only air in the vapor chambers, but had 2-bottle choice ethanol drinking between CIE cycles; the “CIE NonDrinking” group received inhaled ethanol in the vapor chambers but only water access in between CIE cycles; and the “Air NonDrinking” group remained ethanol naïve with air exposure in vapor chambers and only water consumption between CIE cycles. Following a 2-week acclimation period, mice in the CIE Drinking and Air Drinking groups underwent 6-weeks of 2-bottle choice drinking to establish baseline drinking levels. The 2-hr limited access session to ethanol (15 v/v) vs. water started 30 min before lights off. Ethanol and water intake for each individual mouse was measured daily. Following 6-weeks of baseline drinking, mice were placed in Plexiglass inhalation chambers (60x36x60 cm) 16 hours/day for 4 days. Ethanol was volatilized with an air stone submerged in 95% ethanol. Vapor chamber ethanol concentrations were monitored daily and air flow was adjusted to ethanol concentrations within 10–13 mg/l air. This ethanol vapor concentration has been shown to yield stable blood ethanol concentrations (175–225 mg/dL) in C57BL/6J mice [25]. Before each vapor chamber session, intoxication was initiated in the CIE group by administration of 1.6 g/kg ethanol and 1 mmol/kg pyrazole intraperitoneally (i.p.) at a volume of 0.02 ml/g body weight. Pyrazole is an alcohol dehydrogenase inhibitor used to stabilize blood ethanol concentrations. All mice received the same number and timing of pyrazole injections prior to final removal from the inhalation chambers with control mice receiving saline and pyrazole (i.p.), also at a volume of 0.02 ml/g body weight, prior to being placed into control vapor chambers. Control vapor chambers delivered only air without ethanol vapor. After 4 days in the inhalation chambers, mice underwent a 72-hour period of total abstinence from ethanol. Following the abstinence period, mice in the CIE Drinking and Air Drinking groups were given 2-bottle choice drinking for 2 hours per day for 5 days. A total of 4 cycles of CIE-abstinence-drinking were performed. After the end of the 4th cycle mice were sacrificed on the 5th drinking day before receiving ethanol/water access on that day at the time they received 2-bottle choice drinking all previous drinking days (Fig 1). Affymetrix GeneChip® Mouse Genome 430, type 2 arrays were analyzed with The R Project for Statistical Computing ( Statistical analysis to identify significantly regulated genes was performed using the limma package for R. False discovery rates equal to or less than 0.01 were considered significant.


DEG C57BL/6J HPC CIE (drinkers) vs air (nondrinkers) FDR < 0.01 (gene symbol)_qvalue









Maren L Smith, Marcelo F Lopez, Aaron R Wolen, Howard C Becker, Michael F Miles 


Brain regional gene expression network analysis identifies unique interactions between chronic ethanol exposure and consumption


PLoS One May 2020, Vol 15, pp. 1-26


Progressive increases in ethanol consumption is a hallmark of alcohol use disorder (AUD). Persistent changes in brain gene expression are hypothesized to underlie the altered neural signaling producing abusive consumption in AUD. To identify brain regional gene expression networks contributing to progressive ethanol consumption, we performed microarray and scale-free network analysis of expression responses in a C57BL/6J mouse model utilizing chronic intermittent ethanol by vapor chamber (CIE) in combination with limited access oral ethanol consumption. This model has previously been shown to produce long-lasting increased ethanol consumption, particularly when combining oral ethanol access with repeated cycles of intermittent vapor exposure. The interaction of CIE and oral consumption was studied by expression profiling and network analysis in medial prefrontal cortex, nucleus accumbens, hippocampus, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, and central nucleus of the amygdala. Brain region expression networks were analyzed for ethanol-responsive gene expression, correlation with ethanol consumption and functional content using extensive bioinformatics studies. In all brain-regions studied the largest number of changes in gene expression were seen when comparing ethanol naïve mice to those exposed to CIE and drinking. In the prefrontal cortex, however, unique patterns of gene expression were seen compared to other brain-regions. Network analysis identified modules of co-expressed genes in all brain regions. The prefrontal cortex and nucleus accumbens showed the greatest number of modules with significant correlation to drinking behavior. Across brain-regions, however, many modules with strong correlations to drinking, both baseline intake and amount consumed after CIE, showed functional enrichment for synaptic transmission and synaptic plasticity. PUBMED: 32469986
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Mathematical Computing (D008432)
Acclimatization (D000064)
Laboratories (D007753)
Drinking (D004326)
Economics (D004467)
Behavior (D001519)
Alcohol Dehydrogenase (D000426)
Gene Expression (D015870)
Cerebellar Nuclei (D002529)
Drinking Behavior (D004327)
Therapeutics (D013812)
Computational Biology (D019295)
Polymethyl Methacrylate (D019904)
Neuronal Plasticity (D009473)
Amygdala (D000679)
Prefrontal Cortex (D017397)
Inhalation (D001239)
Septal Nuclei (D012686)
Nucleus Accumbens (D009714)
Oxidoreductases (D010088)
Organization and Administration (D009934)
Dihydrotachysterol (D004097)
Rodentia (D012377)
Body Weight (D001835)
Injections (D007267)
Alcoholism (D000437)
Ethanol (D000431)
Synaptic Transmission (D009435)
Hippocampus (D006624)
accumbens nucleus (MA:0000892)
frontal association cortex (MA:0000906)
back of trunk (MA:0000020)
hippocampus (MA:0000191)
synaptic transmission (GO:0007268)
drinking behavior (GO:0042756)
gene expression (GO:0010467)
signaling (GO:0023052)
Data handling (EDAM_topic:0091)
Pathway or network (EDAM_data:2600)
Transcriptomics (EDAM_topic:0203)
Statistical calculation (EDAM_operation:2238)
Concentration (EDAM_data:2140)
Pathways, networks and models (EDAM_topic:0602)
dihydrotachysterol (CHEBI:4591)
maleate(2-) (CHEBI:30780)
1H-pyrazole (CHEBI:17241)
advanced glycation end-product (CHEBI:84123)
atomic nucleus (CHEBI:33252)
EC (alcohol dehydrogenase) inhibitor (CHEBI:50269)
inhibitor (CHEBI:35222)
alcohol abuse (DOID:1574)
individual (EFO:0000542)
drinking behavior (EFO:0004315)
treatment (EFO:0000727)
obsolete_accumbens nucleus (EFO:0000906)
gram per kilogram (EFO:0002897)
body weight (EFO:0004338)
high throughput transcription profiling by microarray (MMO:0000649)
body mass (VT:0001259)
terminal nerve (UBERON:0002924)
archicortex (UBERON:0002961)
central amygdaloid nucleus (UBERON:0002883)
prefrontal bone (UBERON:0010750)
stria terminalis (UBERON:0003029)
melanophore stripe (UBERON:2001463)
Ammon's horn (UBERON:0001954)
hippocampal formation (UBERON:0002421)
male organism (UBERON:0003101)
neural nucleus (UBERON:0000125)
multicellular organism (UBERON:0000468)
adult organism (UBERON:0007023)
prefrontal cortex (UBERON:0000451)
bed nucleus of stria terminalis (UBERON:0001880)
nucleus accumbens (UBERON:0001882)
stria of neuraxis (UBERON:0013199)
adult cerebral ganglion (UBERON:6110636)
body proper (UBERON:0013702)

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