GeneSet Information

Tier IV GS408802 • Single cell RNA-seq cluster of purified blood monocytes significantly expressed in female rhesus macaques following 12 months of voluntary ethanol self-administration or control_monocyte subset cluster 6 (non-classical monocytes)_qvalue


Translational rhesus macaque model of voluntary ethanol self-administration that closely recapitulates human drinking patterns and chronicity. In this study, we examined the effects of chronic heavy drinking (CHD) on blood monocytes in control and CHD female macaques after 12 months of daily ethanol consumption. In depth scRNA-Seq analysis of purified monocytes revealed significant shifts in classical monocyte subsets with accumulation of cells expressing markers of hypoxia (HIF1A) and inflammation (NFkB signaling pathway) in CHD macaques. The increased presence of monocyte subsets skewed towards inflammatory phenotypes was complemented by epigenetic analysis, which revealed higher accessibility of promoter regions that regulate genes involved in cytokine signaling pathways. Sequencing reads were aligned to the Mmul_8.0.1 reference genome using cellranger v3.1 (52) (10X Genomics). Quality control steps were performed prior to downstream analysis with Seurat, filtering out cells with fewer than 200 unique features and cells with greater than 20% mitochondrial content. Control and CHD datasets were down sampled to 4680 cells each and integrated in Seurat (53) using the IntegrateData function. Data normalization and variance stabilization were performed, correcting for differential effects of mitochondrial and cell cycle gene expression levels. Clustering was performed using the first 20 principal components. Small clusters with an over-representation of B and T cell gene expression were removed for downstream analysis. Clusters were visualized using uniform manifold approximation and projection (UMAP) and further characterized into distinct monocyte subsets using the FindMarkers function (Supplementary Table 3). p_val_adj < 0.05, avg_log_fc > 0.25.


Macaque blood monocyte scRNA cluster 6 CHD and control (non-classical)_qvalue









Sloan A Lewis , Suhas Sureshchandra, Brianna Doratt, Vanessa A Jimenez, Cara Stull, Kathleen A Grant, Ilhem Messaoudi


Transcriptional, Epigenetic, and Functional Reprogramming of Monocytes From Non-Human Primates Following Chronic Alcohol Drinking


Frontiers in Immunology 08 2021, Vol 12, pp. 1-15


Chronic heavy drinking (CHD) of alcohol is a known risk factor for increased susceptibility to bacterial and viral infection as well as impaired wound healing. Evidence suggests that these defects are mediated by a dysregulated inflammatory response originating from myeloid cells, notably monocytes and macrophages, but the mechanisms remain poorly understood. Our ability to study CHD is impacted by the complexities of human drinking patterns and behavior as well as comorbidities and confounding risk factors for patients with alcohol use disorders. To overcome these challenges, we utilized a translational rhesus macaque model of voluntary ethanol self-administration that closely recapitulates human drinking patterns and chronicity. In this study, we examined the effects of CHD on blood monocytes in control and CHD female macaques after 12 months of daily ethanol consumption. While monocytes from CHD female macaques generated a hyper-inflammatory response to ex vivo LPS stimulation, their response to E. coli was dampened. In depth scRNA-Seq analysis of purified monocytes revealed significant shifts in classical monocyte subsets with accumulation of cells expressing markers of hypoxia (HIF1A) and inflammation (NFkB signaling pathway) in CHD macaques. The increased presence of monocyte subsets skewed towards inflammatory phenotypes was complemented by epigenetic analysis, which revealed higher accessibility of promoter regions that regulate genes involved in cytokine signaling pathways. Collectively, data presented in this manuscript demonstrate that CHD shifts classical monocyte subset composition and primes the monocytes towards a more hyper-inflammatory response to LPS, but compromised pathogen response. PUBMED: 34489976
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Annotation Information

No sequence read archive data associated with this GeneSet.

T-Lymphocytes (D013601)
Drinking (D004326)
Projection (D011385)
Promoter Regions, Genetic (D011401)
Cytokines (D016207)
Economics (D004467)
Behavior (D001519)
Myeloid Cells (D022423)
Genes, cdc (D018816)
Gene Expression (D015870)
Wounds and Injuries (D014947)
Wound Healing (D014945)
Risk Factors (D012307)
Macaca mulatta (D008253)
Monocytes (D009000)
Phenotype (D010641)
Epigenomics (D057890)
Inflammation (D007249)
Infection (D007239)
Virus Diseases (D014777)
RNA, Small Cytoplasmic (D020733)
Genomics (D023281)
Macrophages (D008264)
Cell Cycle (D002453)
Alcoholism (D000437)
Ethanol (D000431)
Cluster Analysis (D016000)
impaired wound healing (MP:0001792)
abnormal inflammatory response (MP:0001845)
wound healing (GO:0042060)
response to lipopolysaccharide (GO:0032496)
inflammatory response (GO:0006954)
signal transduction (GO:0007165)
cell cycle (GO:0007049)
viral reproduction (GO:0016032)
gene expression (GO:0010467)
signaling (GO:0023052)
Cell biology resources (EDAM_topic:2229)
Pathway or network (EDAM_data:2600)
Transcriptomics (EDAM_topic:0203)
Pathways, networks and models (EDAM_topic:0602)
Signaling pathways (EDAM_topic:0754)
lipopolysaccharide (CHEBI:16412)
L-valine residue (CHEBI:30015)
1-acyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoserine (CHEBI:52603)
LPS with O-antigen (CHEBI:89981)
Hypoxemia (HP:0012418)
Mitochondrial inheritance (HP:0001427)
coronary artery disease (DOID:3393)
viral infectious disease (DOID:934)
infection (EFO:0000544)
coronary heart disease (EFO:0001645)
viral disease (EFO:0000763)
risk factor (EFO:0003919)
female organism (UBERON:0003100)
proliferative region (UBERON:2000098)
anatomical projection (UBERON:0004529)

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