GeneSet Information

Tier I GS390201 • HP:0012391 Hyporeflexia of upper limbs


Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO) gene set. This set contains genes that have been annotated to the HPO term "Hyporeflexia of upper limbs", which is defined as "Reduced intensity of muscle tendon reflexes in the upper limbs. Reflexes are elicited by stretching the tendon of a muscle, e.g., by tapping." This gene set was automatically constructed using annotation and ontology data provided by HPO and includes gene-phenotypes annotations from all HPO sources. The transitive closure of this term is taken into account using is_a relationships. For more information: The Human Phenotype Ontology Consortium (HPOC), This gene set was generated using the GeneWeaver HPO loader v. 0.1.5, HPO OBO v. hp/releases/2020-03-27, and HPO Genes to Phenotypes (all sources, all frequencies) v. 2020.05.06.











S Köhler, SC Doelken, CJ Mungall, S Bauer, HV Firth, I Bailleul-Forestier, GC Black, DL Brown, M Brudno, J Campbell, DR FitzPatrick, JT Eppig, AP Jackson, K Freson, M Girdea, I Helbig, JA Hurst, J Jähn, LG Jackson, AM Kelly, DH Ledbetter, S Mansour, CL Martin, C Moss, A Mumford, WH Ouwehand, SM Park, ER Riggs, RH Scott, S Sisodiya, S Van Vooren, RJ Wapner, AO Wilkie, CF Wright, AT Vulto-van Silfhout, N de Leeuw, BB de Vries, NL Washingthon, CL Smith, M Westerfield, P Schofield, BJ Ruef, GV Gkoutos, M Haendel, D Smedley, SE Lewis, PN Robinson


The Human Phenotype Ontology project: linking molecular biology and disease through phenotype data.


Nucleic acids research Jan 2014, Vol 42, pp. D966-74


The Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO) project, available at, provides a structured, comprehensive and well-defined set of 10,088 classes (terms) describing human phenotypic abnormalities and 13,326 subclass relations between the HPO classes. In addition we have developed logical definitions for 46% of all HPO classes using terms from ontologies for anatomy, cell types, function, embryology, pathology and other domains. This allows interoperability with several resources, especially those containing phenotype information on model organisms such as mouse and zebrafish. Here we describe the updated HPO database, which provides annotations of 7,278 human hereditary syndromes listed in OMIM, Orphanet and DECIPHER to classes of the HPO. Various meta-attributes such as frequency, references and negations are associated with each annotation. Several large-scale projects worldwide utilize the HPO for describing phenotype information in their datasets. We have therefore generated equivalence mappings to other phenotype vocabularies such as LDDB, Orphanet, MedDRA, UMLS and phenoDB, allowing integration of existing datasets and interoperability with multiple biomedical resources. We have created various ways to access the HPO database content using flat files, a MySQL database, and Web-based tools. All data and documentation on the HPO project can be found online. PUBMED: 24217912
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Hyporeflexia of upper limbs (HP:0012391)

Gene List • 4 Genes

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