GeneSet Information

Tier II GS224372 • Cardiac mass QTL 18 (Cm18 Published QTL Chr 4)


QTL Associated with Cardiac mass. On Chromosome 4 with a LOD score= 2.6, p-value =. From a(n) intercross of SS/JrMcoxSHR/NHsd


QTL-Cm18-Rat-Chr 4









Garrett MR, Dene H, Rapp JP


Time-course genetic analysis of albuminuria in Dahl salt-sensitive rats on low-salt diet.


Journal of the American Society of Nephrology : JASN None None, Vol 14, pp. 1175-87


1. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2003 May;14(5):1175-87. Time-course genetic analysis of albuminuria in Dahl salt-sensitive rats on low-salt diet. Garrett MR(1), Dene H, Rapp JP. Author information: (1)Department of Physiology and Molecular Medicine, Medical College of Ohio, 3035 Arlington Avenue, Toledo, OH 43614-5804, USA. The Dahl salt-sensitive hypertensive (S) rat develops albuminuria early in life even on a low-salt diet. In contrast, the spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) is highly resistant to developing albuminuria despite elevated BP. An F(1) hybrid of S and SHR showed a low urinary albumin excretion (UAE) and low urinary protein excretion (UPE) similar to SHR, i.e., SHR was dominant. A genetic analysis was carried out on a large population (n = 276) obtained by backcrossing F(1) rats to the recessive S strain; the population was fed a low-salt diet. Genome scans done at 8, 12, and 16 wk of age yielded ten quantitative trait loci (QTL) for UAE and/or UPE with variable time-course patterns on nine rat chromosomes (RNO), i.e., RNO1, RNO2, RNO6, RNO8, RNO9, RNO10, RNO11, RNO13, and RNO19. There were two UPE QTL on RNO6. At most of the UAE and/or UPE QTL, the S allele was associated with increased excretion, except for one of the QTL on RNO6 and the QTL on RNO11, where the S allele caused decreased excretion. Only the UAE and UPE QTL on RNO10 co-localized with a BP QTL. The S allele on RNO10 caused higher BP and higher UAE. Two additional BP QTL were detected on RNO1 and RNO6. Most of the UAE and UPE QTL co-localized with QTL for kidney lesions characteristic of S rats. Multiple interactions were observed for UAE, many of which involved RNO2. In summary, UAE is highly polygenic and the majority of the QTL altering UAE do not co-localize with QTL for BP as evaluated by tail-cuff measurements of BP. PMID: 12707388 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] PUBMED: 12707388
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