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Returning 60 results: Page 1 of 3

Tier Species Size Attr. GeneSet
Tier II 695 GS136242: methamphetamine response QTL 1 (Marq1, Published QTL Chr 5)
Tier II 457 GS136826: thymic lymphoma susceptibility 2 (Thyls2, Published QTL Chr 5)
Tier II 695 GS135603: circulating hormone level QTL 11 (Chlq11, Published QTL Chr 5)
Tier II 616 GS135783: "early growth rate, direct effect 1" (Egrd1, Published QTL Chr 5)
Tier II 662 GS135722: dopamine-induced hypothermia (Diht, Published QTL Chr 5)
Tier II 484 GS136106: lymph node cytotoxic T lymphocyte percentage 2 (Lctlp2, Published QTL Chr 5)
Tier II 453 GS135605: circulating hormone level QTL 14 (Chlq14, Published QTL Chr 5)
Tier I 1680 GS128591: Average rotarod training latency Chr# 5
Tier II 689 GS135510: body weight females and males day 10 (Bwefm, Published QTL Chr 5)
Tier II 651 GS135661: correlation in cytokine production 1 (Cora1, Published QTL Chr 5)
Tier II 651 GS135738: dextran sodium sulfate induced colitis QTL1 (Dssc1, Published QTL Chr 5)
Tier II 695 GS135870: fat induced diabetes 2 (Find2, Published QTL Chr 5)
Tier II 695 GS135880: femur geometry 4 (Fmgty4, Published QTL Chr 5)
Tier II 671 GS135889: free running period 2 (Frp2, Published QTL Chr 5)
Tier II 688 GS136027: hypercholesterolemia (Hypch, Published QTL Chr 5)
Tier II 695 GS136136: lithogenic gene 17 (Lith17, Published QTL Chr 5)
Tier II 690 GS136308: nurturing ability QTL 1 (Naq1, Published QTL Chr 5)
Tier II 695 GS136530: prion resistance 1 (Prnr1, Published QTL Chr 5)
Tier II 671 GS136854: Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus induced demyelinating disease susceptibility 7 (Tmevd7, Published QTL Chr 5)
Tier II 651 GS136956: weight 4 (Wght4, Published QTL Chr 5)
Tier II 578 GS135404: body growth late QTL 14 (Bglq14, Published QTL Chr 5)
Tier II 555 GS135468: blood pressure QTL 4 (Bpq4, Published QTL Chr 5)
Tier II 549 GS135798: elevated maze behavior 2 (Elmaz2, Published QTL Chr 5)
Tier II 578 GS136094: long bones 4 (Lbn4, Published QTL Chr 5)
Tier II 489 GS136101: lupus NZB x NZW 3 (Lbw3, Published QTL Chr 5)