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Returning 367 results: Page 1 of 15

Tier Species Size Attr. GeneSet
Tier I 4600 GS123265: Estradiol interacting with Oryzias latipes associated genes (MeSH:D004958) in CTD
Tier I 3690 GS124427: butyraldehyde interacting with Homo sapiens associated genes (MeSH:C018475) in CTD
Tier II 316 GS135526: body weight QTL (Bywq, Published QTL Chr X)
Tier II 279 GS136144: lithogenic gene 4 (Lith4, Published QTL Chr X)
Tier II 316 GS136255: modifier of muscularity 6 (Mdmsc6, Published QTL Chr X)
Tier II 283 GS136285: modifier of Odc2 (Moo2, Published QTL Chr X)
Tier I 5 GS162931: MP:0010382 abnormal dosage compensation, by inactivation of X chromosome
Tier I 40 GS163043: MP:0003085 abnormal egg cylinder morphology
Tier I 35 GS163065: MP:0005032 abnormal ectoplacental cone morphology
Tier I 15 GS163251: MP:0011199 abnormal amniotic cavity morphology
Tier I 575 GS163620: MP:0002086 abnormal extraembryonic tissue morphology
Tier I 301 GS163635: MP:0001933 abnormal litter size
Tier I 304 GS164004: MP:0011101 prenatal lethality, incomplete penetrance
Tier I 7 GS164049: MP:0011103 embryonic lethality at implantation, incomplete penetrance
Tier I 9404 GS164136: MP:0000001 mammalian phenotype
Tier I 66 GS164247: MP:0001680 abnormal mesoderm development
Tier I 806 GS164257: MP:0002085 abnormal embryonic tissue morphology
Tier I 399 GS164258: MP:0002084 abnormal developmental patterning
Tier I 1968 GS164262: MP:0002080 prenatal lethality
Tier I 305 GS164509: MP:0001695 abnormal gastrulation
Tier I 16 GS164510: MP:0001694 absent egg cylinders
Tier I 131 GS164801: MP:0011203 abnormal parietal yolk sac morphology
Tier I 12 GS164806: MP:0011202 abnormal ectoplacental cavity morphology
Tier I 82 GS164968: MP:0001726 abnormal allantois morphology
Tier I 177 GS165205: MP:0001718 abnormal visceral yolk sac morphology