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Returning 167 results: Page 1 of 7

Tier Species Size Attr. GeneSet
Tier II 31 GS36545: Hippocampus Gene expression correlates of Dowel test - Time on dowel at baseline in Females BXD
Tier II 715 GS84195: nicotine sensitivity (Published QTL, Chr 7)
Tier II 821 GS84196: alcohol preference locus (Published QTL, Chr 7)
Tier II 821 GS84197: alcohol preference locus 14, female specific (Alcp14, Published QTL, Chr 7)
Tier II 823 GS84198: METH responses for home cage activity (Published QTL, Chr 7)
Tier II 606 GS84199: METH responses for body temperature (Published QTL, Chr 7)
Tier I 880 GS125696: Lead interacting with Homo sapiens associated genes (MeSH:D007854) in CTD
Tier I 2218 GS128593: Average rotarod training latency Chr# 7
Tier II 701 GS135272: "alcohol preference locus 12, male specific" (Alcp12, Published QTL Chr 7)
Tier II 701 GS135273: "alcohol preference locus 14, female specific" (Alcp14, Published QTL Chr 7)
Tier II 415 GS135396: body growth early QTL 6 (Bgeq6, Published QTL Chr 7)
Tier II 510 GS135440: bone mineral density 9 (Bmd9, Published QTL Chr 7)
Tier II 478 GS135492: behavioral response to methamphetamines 6 (Brmth6, Published QTL Chr 7)
Tier II 833 GS135542: cerebellar cAMP 5 (Ccmp5, Published QTL Chr 7)
Tier II 849 GS135571: cystic fibrosis body weight 3 (Cfbw3, Published QTL Chr 7)
Tier II 849 GS135577: cystic fibrosis lung disease 4 (Cfld4, Published QTL Chr 7)
Tier II 564 GS135632: collagen induced arthritis 42 (Cia42, Published QTL Chr 7)
Tier II 660 GS135720: determination of interleukin 4 commitment 2 (Dice2, Published QTL Chr 7)
Tier II 739 GS135758: experimental allergic encephalomyelitis susceptibility 26 (Eae26, Published QTL Chr 7)
Tier II 833 GS135817: ethanol induced thermoregulation 3 (Ethm3, Published QTL Chr 7)
Tier II 833 GS135854: femoral bone morphometry 3 (Fembm3, Published QTL Chr 7)
Tier II 739 GS135942: HDL cholesterol level 1 (Hdlcl1, Published QTL Chr 7)
Tier II 739 GS135985: hematocrit QTL 3 (Hemq3, Published QTL Chr 7)
Tier II 599 GS135999: hepatic lipase activity in BSB 1 (Hlbsb1, Published QTL Chr 7)
Tier II 478 GS136142: lithogenic gene 22 (Lith22, Published QTL Chr 7)