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Returning 16 results: Page 1 of 1

Tier Species Size Attr. GeneSet
Tier I 688 GS128586: Rotarod Baseline Chr# X
Tier II 265 GS135733: dietary obesity 7 (Dob7, Published QTL Chr X)
Tier II 279 GS136144: lithogenic gene 4 (Lith4, Published QTL Chr X)
Tier II 283 GS136285: modifier of Odc2 (Moo2, Published QTL Chr X)
Tier II 265 GS136623: Stem cell proliferation 11 (Scpro11, Published QTL Chr X)
Tier II 286 GS136739: small testis weight 2 (Smtw2, Published QTL Chr X)
Tier II 278 GS136883: testis weight (Tswt, Published QTL Chr X)
Tier I 2168 GS290553: GO:0005623 cell
Tier I 1576 GS291217: GO:0043226 organelle
Tier I 74 GS291248: GO:0097730 non-motile cilium
Tier I 2327 GS292448: GO:0005575 cellular_component
Tier I 130 GS292940: GO:0005929 cilium
Tier I 2158 GS294009: GO:0044464 cell part
Tier I 337 GS294024: GO:0042995 cell projection
Tier I 332 GS295040: GO:0120025 plasma membrane bounded cell projection
Tier IV 51200 GS405734: WWP1 KO vs WT