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Returning 944 results: Page 1 of 38

Tier Species Size Attr. GeneSet
Tier IV 8709 GS391: RIKEN Cerebellum C57BL/6J Development Series
Tier III 280 GS827: UCSD_CEREBELLUM_Reduced_Age_NoC
Tier III 1854 GS865: Sey_Pax6_Age_Reduced_Linear_Incr
Tier IV 277 GS887: SGO_Reelin300_LL-M
Tier III 1254 GS1047: Math1 430A Equal Variance T-test
Tier III 1254 GS1053: Math1A E15 T-Test by Thomas
Tier II 133 GS34059: Hippocampus Gene expression correlates of Open Field rears 0-15 min post cocaine in Females BXD
Tier II 221 GS34069: Hippocampus Gene expression correlates of Open Field rears 15-30 min post cocaine in Females BXD
Tier II 62 GS35079: Hippocampus Gene expression correlates of Difference in time on rotarod between training and saline in Females & Males BXD
Tier II 56 GS36107: Striatum Gene expression correlates of Contextual activity in fear conditioning apparatus in Females & Males BXD
Tier II 96 GS36184: Cerebellum Gene expression correlates of Locomotor activity after second saline treatment. in Females & Males BXD
Tier III 137 GS75585: Genes showing main effect of morphine- and vehicle-treated C57 and DBA mice
Tier III 1041 GS75588: Cocaine Regulation of H3 Acetylation
Tier III 43 GS75617: General Inflammatory Bowel Disease-Associated Sequences in PBMCs - Ulcerative Colitis
Tier II 356 GS83976: cocaine induced activation 8 (Cocia8, Published QTL, Chr 6)
Tier II 480 GS83991: cocaine related behavior 7 (Cocrb7, Published QTL, Chr 6)
Tier II 480 GS84179: cocaine related behavior (Published QTL, Chr 6)
Tier II 464 GS84180: METH responses for body temperature (Published QTL, Chr 6)
Tier II 514 GS84181: ethanol induced locomotion (Published QTL, Chr 6)
Tier II 493 GS84182: METH responses for home cage activity (Published QTL, Chr 6)
Tier II 493 GS84183: METH responses for body temperature (Published QTL, Chr 6)
Tier I 4701 GS86494: Table S1: Hippocampus 17 K microarray data. [DRG]
Tier I 4701 GS86932: Table S3: CORTEX 17K MICROARRAY [DRG]
Tier III 23 GS115135: Genome-wide association study identifies a locus at 7p15.2 associated with endometriosis.
Tier I 2656 GS121120: entinostat interacting with Homo sapiens associated genes (MeSH:C118739) in CTD