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Returning 23 results: Page 1 of 1

Tier Species Size Attr. GeneSet
Tier IV 51200 GS405734: WWP1 KO vs WT
Tier III 22881 GS407879: Genes differentially expressed with Fentanyl in C57BL/6 J and A/J in nucleus accumbens by stain_qvalue
Tier IV 23295 GS408379: Differential gene expression in nucleus accumbens somatostatin interneurons that regulate behavioral responses to cocaine in mice_pvalue
Tier II 920 GS223486: Food consumption QTL 32 (Foco32 Published QTL Chr 20)
Tier II 804 GS223604: Food consumption QTL 23 (Foco23 Published QTL Chr 20)
Tier II 804 GS223660: Serum free fatty acids level QTL 8 (Sffal8 Published QTL Chr 20)
Tier II 885 GS224042: Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 37 (Iddm37 Published QTL Chr 20)
Tier II 804 GS224086: Body weight QTL 153 (Bw153 Published QTL Chr 20)
Tier II 888 GS224519: Body weight QTL 111 (Bw111 Published QTL Chr 20)
Tier II 804 GS224700: Insulin level QTL 32 (Insul32 Published QTL Chr 20)
Tier II 823 GS224758: Colorectal carcinoma resistance QTL 9 (Colcr9 Published QTL Chr 20)
Tier II 920 GS224966: Serum corticosterone level QTL 12 (Scort12 Published QTL Chr 20)
Tier II 804 GS225005: Serum corticosterone level QTL 15 (Scort15 Published QTL Chr 20)
Tier II 726 GS224106: Memory QTL 12 (Memor12 Published QTL Chr 20)
Tier IV 19215 GS406229: cc coca diffcoexp universe
Tier III 12435 GS407724: Differential Gene Expression Associated with Microglia depletion and alcohol logFC
Tier III 8148 GS128199: Alcohol Preference union of 86 Gene Sets
Tier V 14717 GS271647: ff
Tier IV 1387 GS357584: Mouse_vHippocampus_cocaine_self-admin_DEGS.05
Tier III 12569 GS407727: Microglia control escalation of drinking in alcohol dependent mice: Genomic and synaptic drivers, main effect Microglia depletion
Tier III 12569 GS407728: Differential Gene Expression Associated with Alcohol Microglia depletion in the medial prefrontal cortex q-value
Tier III 12569 GS407732: Differential Gene Expression Associated with Alcohol interaction of dependence and MG depletion the medial prefrontal cortex q-value
Tier III 1769 GS408910: Adolescent (P43) DBA/2J transcripts significantly altered in PFC by ethanol using S-score analysis at FDR < 0.05