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Returning 1000 results: Page 1 of 40

Tier Species Size Attr. GeneSet
Tier IV 8709 GS391: RIKEN Cerebellum C57BL/6J Development Series
Tier III 543 GS864: Sey_Pax6_Age_Reduced_Upward_Para
Tier III 2388 GS866: Linear decrease in expression in both Pax6 (Sey) mutants and controls.
Tier III 507 GS1046: SEY E15 Equal Variance T-Test
Tier III 507 GS1051: T-test for differential expression between Pax6 Sey (small-eyes) mutants at embryonic day E15.
Tier II 21 GS34198: Cerebellum Gene expression correlates of Number of entries into open arms of plus maze in Females & Males BXD
Tier II 77 GS34404: Hippocampus Gene expression correlates of Novel environment rears 30-45 min in the center in Females BXD
Tier II 14 GS34975: Whole Brain Gene expression correlates of Open Field - Habituation ratio (First:Last intervals) in Females BXD
Tier II 42 GS36534: Striatum Gene expression correlates of Dowel Test - Time 30 Sec in Males BXD
Tier II 21 GS36858: Cerebellum Gene expression correlates of Percentage of entries into open arms of plus maze in Females & Males BXD
Tier III 609 GS37187: Positional candidate on chromosome 11 (59-79Mb) for overdominant effect for 24-hour, 2 bottle choice 30g/kg EtOH excessive consumption.
Tier III 1567 GS37188: Positional candidate on Chromosome 11 (30-110 Mb) for dominant deviation measuring EtOH consumption during Drinking in the Dark (DID), 24 hour access and Blood Ethanol Concentration (BEC).
Tier II 721 GS84251: chronic alcohol withdrawal severity (Published QTL, Chr 11)
Tier II 804 GS84252: alcohol preference locus (Published QTL, Chr 11)
Tier II 955 GS84253: alcohol preference locus (Published QTL, Chr 11)
Tier II 970 GS84254: nicotine sensitivity (Published QTL,Chr 11)
Tier I 424 GS121370: Clofibrate interacting with Oikopleura dioica associated genes (MeSH:D002994) in CTD
Tier I 2481 GS124335: Copper interacting with Perca flavescens associated genes (MeSH:D003300) in CTD
Tier I 1663 GS124625: methylmercuric chloride interacting with Gadus morhua associated genes (MeSH:C004925) in CTD
Tier I 10720 GS125506: Valproic Acid interacting with Homo sapiens associated genes (MeSH:D014635) in CTD
Tier I 4560 GS125634: trichostatin A interacting with Homo sapiens associated genes (MeSH:C012589) in CTD
Tier I 3090 GS127923: Cerebellum - Allen Mouse Brain Atlas
Tier I 3079 GS127928: Lateral septal complex - Allen Mouse Brain Atlas
Tier I 764 GS128585: Rotarod Baseline Chr# 11
Tier I 921 GS128596: Change in rotarod latency over training trials Chr#11