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Returning 127 results: Page 1 of 6

Tier Species Size Attr. GeneSet
Tier II 61 GS36761: Neocortex Gene expression correlates of Vocalization Threshold - shock intensity (mA) in Males BXD
Tier I 3407 GS123595: Progesterone interacting with Ovis aries associated genes (MeSH:D011374) in CTD
Tier I 3690 GS124427: butyraldehyde interacting with Homo sapiens associated genes (MeSH:C018475) in CTD
Tier I 688 GS128586: Rotarod Baseline Chr# X
Tier II 265 GS135733: dietary obesity 7 (Dob7, Published QTL Chr X)
Tier II 215 GS135779: exercise endurance QTL 1 (Eeq1, Published QTL Chr X)
Tier II 265 GS136623: Stem cell proliferation 11 (Scpro11, Published QTL Chr X)
Tier II 286 GS136739: small testis weight 2 (Smtw2, Published QTL Chr X)
Tier II 278 GS136883: testis weight (Tswt, Published QTL Chr X)
Tier I 207 GS163842: MP:0000230 abnormal systemic arterial blood pressure
Tier I 48 GS163843: MP:0000231 hypertension
Tier I 1330 GS163852: MP:0001544 abnormal cardiovascular system physiology
Tier I 9404 GS164136: MP:0000001 mammalian phenotype
Tier I 133 GS165208: MP:0002842 increased systemic arterial blood pressure
Tier I 955 GS165798: MP:0005367 renal/urinary system phenotype
Tier I 318 GS165877: MP:0002136 abnormal kidney physiology
Tier I 9 GS168018: MP:0004217 salt-sensitive hypertension
Tier I 562 GS168155: MP:0005502 abnormal renal/urinary system physiology
Tier I 63 GS169706: MP:0006144 increased systemic arterial systolic blood pressure
Tier I 2176 GS169829: MP:0005385 cardiovascular system phenotype
Tier I 3054 GS169830: MP:0005384 cellular phenotype
Tier I 2581 GS170601: MP:0005621 abnormal cell physiology
Tier I 20 GS178768: GO:0004709 MAP kinase kinase kinase activity
Tier I 1735 GS180644: GO:0032549 ribonucleoside binding
Tier I 1732 GS184983: GO:0032550 purine ribonucleoside binding