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Returning 1000 results: Page 1 of 40

Tier Species Size Attr. GeneSet
Tier I 190 GS227132: MSigDB Geneset - GSE32423_MEMORY_VS_NAIVE_CD8_TCELL_IL7_IL4_UP
Tier I 193 GS227264: MSigDB Geneset - GSE32423_IL7_VS_IL7_IL4_NAIVE_CD8_TCELL_DN
Tier I 187 GS228192: MSigDB Geneset - GSE32423_IL7_VS_IL7_IL4_MEMORY_CD8_TCELL_DN
Tier I 188 GS229597: MSigDB Geneset - GSE32423_IL7_VS_IL7_IL4_MEMORY_CD8_TCELL_UP
Tier I 193 GS229684: MSigDB Geneset - GSE32423_MEMORY_VS_NAIVE_CD8_TCELL_IL7_DN
Tier I 185 GS230067: MSigDB Geneset - GSE32423_MEMORY_VS_NAIVE_CD8_TCELL_IL7_IL4_DN
Tier I 185 GS230213: MSigDB Geneset - GSE32423_IL7_VS_IL7_IL4_NAIVE_CD8_TCELL_UP
Tier I 188 GS230460: MSigDB Geneset - GSE32423_MEMORY_VS_NAIVE_CD8_TCELL_IL7_UP
Tier IV 8709 GS391: RIKEN Cerebellum C57BL/6J Development Series
Tier III 458 GS791: CerebellarFissureFreq BXD Cerebellum Gene Expression Correlates of Fissure Frequency
Tier IV 458 GS792: Cerebellum Fissure
Tier II 43 GS34310: Cerebellum Gene expression correlates of Cue Conditioning - Activity suppression after 3rd tone/shock pairing in Males BXD
Tier II 36 GS35777: Striatum Gene expression correlates of CPP - Time (s) in drug-paired compartment a in Males BXD
Tier II 30 GS35837: Striatum Gene expression correlates of Cocaine CPP - Proportion of time spent in conditioned side prior to conditioning in Males BXD
Tier II 115 GS36188: Cerebellum Gene expression correlates of Locomotor activity after second saline treatment. in Females BXD
Tier II 198 GS84144: METH responses for home cage activity (Published QTL, Chr 3)
Tier I 4701 GS86494: Table S1: Hippocampus 17 K microarray data. [DRG]
Tier I 4701 GS86932: Table S3: CORTEX 17K MICROARRAY [DRG]
Tier I 3644 GS121161: Arsenic interacting with Homo sapiens associated genes (MeSH:D001151) in CTD
Tier I 239 GS121320: Dihydrotestosterone interacting with Homo sapiens associated genes (MeSH:D013196) in CTD
Tier I 1138 GS121595: Dexamethasone interacting with Homo sapiens associated genes (MeSH:D003907) in CTD
Tier I 871 GS122066: Demecolcine interacting with Homo sapiens associated genes (MeSH:D003703) in CTD
Tier I 266 GS122620: Melphalan interacting with Homo sapiens associated genes (MeSH:D008558) in CTD
Tier I 1129 GS122886: Vinca Alkaloids interacting with Homo sapiens associated genes (MeSH:D014748) in CTD
Tier I 6072 GS122891: Copper Sulfate interacting with Homo sapiens associated genes (MeSH:D019327) in CTD