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Returning 38 results: Page 1 of 2

Tier Species Size Attr. GeneSet
Tier II 378 GS84149: alcohol preference 6 QTL (Ap6q, Published QTL, Chr 3)
Tier I 946 GS128572: Ethanol Induced Hypothermia Chr# 3
Tier II 120 GS129113: collagen induced arthritis 22 (Cia22 Published QTL Chr 3)
Tier II 541 GS129124: C. trachomatis resistance QTL 2 (Ctrq2 Published QTL Chr 3)
Tier II 604 GS135317: alcohol preference 6 QTL (Ap6q, Published QTL Chr 3)
Tier II 502 GS135335: atherosclerotic lesion area 4 (Ascla4, Published QTL Chr 3)
Tier II 309 GS135379: bone density traits 2 (Bdt2, Published QTL Chr 3)
Tier II 338 GS135456: bone marrow pre-B 1 (Bomb1, Published QTL Chr 3)
Tier II 606 GS135517: body weight QTL 8 (Bwq8, Published QTL Chr 3)
Tier II 341 GS135561: cytokine deficiency colitis susceptibility 1 (Cdcs1, Published QTL Chr 3)
Tier II 604 GS135581: cystic fibrosis survival to weaning 1 (Cfsw1, Published QTL Chr 3)
Tier II 346 GS135591: P. chabaudi malaria resistance QTL 4 (Char4, Published QTL Chr 3)
Tier II 606 GS135674: cholesterol QTL 3 (Cq3, Published QTL Chr 3)
Tier II 585 GS135760: experimental allergic encephalomyelitis susceptibility 3 (Eae3, Published QTL Chr 3)
Tier II 341 GS135909: G protein deficiency-induced colitis 1 (Gpdc1, Published QTL Chr 3)
Tier II 604 GS135954: HDL QTL 21 (Hdlq21, Published QTL Chr 3)
Tier II 607 GS136031: induction of brown adipocytes 2 (Iba2, Published QTL Chr 3)
Tier II 261 GS136183: lymphoproliferation modifier 2 (Lprm2, Published QTL Chr 3)
Tier II 605 GS136207: liver iron content 2 (Lvic2, Published QTL Chr 3)
Tier II 420 GS136292: modifier of obesity related sterility 2 (Mors2, Published QTL Chr 3)
Tier II 592 GS136312: Nakano cataract modifier 1 (nctm1, Published QTL Chr 3)
Tier II 310 GS136353: novelty/stress induced locomotor activation 3 (Nsila3, Published QTL Chr 3)
Tier II 605 GS136393: organ weight 2 (Org2, Published QTL Chr 3)
Tier II 600 GS136473: periosteal circumference and femur length 3 (Pcfm3, Published QTL Chr 3)
Tier II 621 GS136494: proteoglycan induced arthritis 26 (Pgia26, Published QTL Chr 3)