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Returning 17 results: Page 1 of 1

Tier Species Size Attr. GeneSet
Tier II 331 GS84167: METH responses for home cage activity (Published QTL, Chr 5)
Tier I 1680 GS128591: Average rotarod training latency Chr# 5
Tier II 340 GS135231: activity-distance traveled 2 (Actd2, Published QTL Chr 5)
Tier II 338 GS135811: estradiol regulated response QTL 2 (Estq2, Published QTL Chr 5)
Tier II 339 GS135955: HDL QTL 22 (Hdlq22, Published QTL Chr 5)
Tier II 222 GS135965: HDL QTL 34 (Hdlq34, Published QTL Chr 5)
Tier II 322 GS135995: hippocampal weight 2 (Hipp2, Published QTL Chr 5)
Tier II 238 GS136042: insulin dependent diabetes susceptibility 15 (Idd15, Published QTL Chr 5)
Tier II 344 GS136070: immune response to Factor IX QTL 1 (Imrfq1, Published QTL Chr 5)
Tier II 340 GS136236: mandible asymmetry 3 (Many3, Published QTL Chr 5)
Tier II 346 GS136259: muscle Gapd decay rate 2 (Mgdr2, Published QTL Chr 5)
Tier II 343 GS136365: obesity QTL 11 (Obq11, Published QTL Chr 5)
Tier II 160 GS136452: postnatal body weight growth 14 (Pbwg14, Published QTL Chr 5)
Tier II 322 GS136626: Stem cell proliferation 7 (Scpro7, Published QTL Chr 5)
Tier II 344 GS136628: small effect CIA locus 1 (Secia1, Published QTL Chr 5)
Tier II 346 GS136917: vertebral morphology and mechanical traits 5 (Vmmt5, Published QTL Chr 5)
Tier IV 51200 GS405734: WWP1 KO vs WT