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Returning 73 results: Page 1 of 3

Tier Species Size Attr. GeneSet
Tier I 7845 GS211529: ACA: Anterior cingulate area
Tier I 8106 GS211534: ACAd: Anterior cingulate area, dorsal part
Tier I 5429 GS211549: PVHd: Paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus, descending division
Tier I 8061 GS211566: IP: Interposed nucleus
Tier I 6134 GS211584: IV: Trochlear nucleus
Tier I 7549 GS211609: PHY: Perihypoglossal nuclei
Tier I 7210 GS211615: LDT: Laterodorsal tegmental nucleus
Tier I 7553 GS211619: PRP: Nucleus prepositus
Tier I 7155 GS211624: NR: Nucleus of Roller
Tier I 8419 GS211631: GU5: Gustatory areas, layer 5
Tier I 9779 GS211632: AOBgl: Accessory olfactory bulb, glomerular layer
Tier I 7969 GS211637: PL2: Prelimbic area, layer 2
Tier I 8194 GS211643: MV: Medial vestibular nucleus
Tier I 6608 GS211647: AP: Area postrema
Tier I 8373 GS211650: ACAd2/3: Anterior cingulate area, dorsal part, layer 2/3
Tier I 7610 GS211699: NTSm: Nucleus of the solitary tract, medial part
Tier I 7521 GS211702: B: Barrington's nucleus
Tier I 7624 GS211714: ACAv2/3: Anterior cingulate area, ventral part, layer 2/3
Tier I 7492 GS211716: SCs: Superior colliculus, sensory related
Tier I 8230 GS211718: PL2/3: Prelimbic area, layer 2/3
Tier I 6908 GS211720: MARN: Magnocellular reticular nucleus
Tier I 7426 GS211737: RSPd6b: Retrosplenial area, dorsal part, layer 6b
Tier I 7241 GS211756: SLD: Sublaterodorsal nucleus
Tier I 8155 GS211761: PL5: Prelimbic area, layer 5
Tier I 7374 GS211766: MY-mot: Medulla, motor related