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Returning 172 results: Page 1 of 7

Tier Species Size Attr. GeneSet
Tier II 38 GS34681: Striatum Gene expression correlates of Novel environment locomotion (cm) 45-60 min in the periphery in Males BXD
Tier III 38 GS34682: Striatum Gene expression correlates of Novel environment locomotion (cm) 45-60 min in the periphery in BXD Males
Tier III 38 GS34701: Striatum Gene expression correlates of Novel environment locomotion (cm) 45-60 min in the periphery [Cocaine] in Males BXD
Tier II 69 GS34781: Striatum Gene expression correlates of Open Field InovelTOTAL locomotion (activity beam breaks) in the center in Females & Males BXD
Tier II 65 GS34813: Striatum Gene expression correlates of Open Field Novel TOTAL locomotion ( cm in 1 hr) in the center in Females & Males BXD
Tier II 69 GS35972: Striatum Gene expression correlates of Open Field InovelTOTAL locomotion (activity beam breaks) in the center in Females & Males BXD
Tier II 65 GS35987: Striatum Gene expression correlates of Open Field Novel TOTAL locomotion (cm in 1 hr) in the center in Females & Males BXD
Tier II 62 GS36209: Striatum Gene expression correlates of Novel environment locomotion (activity beam breaks) 30-45 min in the center in Females & Males BXD
Tier II 50 GS36224: Striatum Gene expression correlates of Novel environment locomotion (activity beam breaks) 45-60 min in the center in Females & Males BXD
Tier II 64 GS36254: Striatum Gene expression correlates of Novel environment locomotion (cm) 30-45 min in the center in Females & Males BXD
Tier II 58 GS36259: Striatum Gene expression correlates of Novel environment locomotion (cm) 30-45 min in the center in Females BXD
Tier II 56 GS36269: Striatum Gene expression correlates of Novel environment locomotion (cm) 45-60 min in the center in Females & Males BXD
Tier II 45 GS36274: Striatum Gene expression correlates of Novel environment locomotion (cm) 45-60 min in the center in Females BXD
Tier II 482 GS84277: METH responses for home cage activity (Published QTL, Chr 14)
Tier II 473 GS84278: chronic alcohol withdrawal severity (Published QTL, Chr 14)
Tier II 400 GS84279: METH responses for climbing (Published QTL, Chr 14)
Tier II 479 GS129081: atherosclerosis 13 (Ath13 Published QTL Chr 14)
Tier II 777 GS129166: plasma plant sterol 1 (Plast1 Published QTL Chr 14)
Tier II 421 GS129168: plasma plant sterol 1b (Plast1b Published QTL Chr 14)
Tier II 552 GS135363: B.burgdorferi-associated arthritis 21 (Bbaa21, Published QTL Chr 14)
Tier II 553 GS135391: body growth early QTL 13 (Bgeq13, Published QTL Chr 14)
Tier II 203 GS135402: body growth late QTL 11 (Bglq11, Published QTL Chr 14)
Tier II 553 GS135405: body growth late QTL 15 (Bglq15, Published QTL Chr 14)
Tier II 553 GS135518: body weight 1 (Bwt1, Published QTL Chr 14)
Tier II 539 GS135791: epilepsy 5 (El5, Published QTL Chr 14)