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like "mouse, Ap3m2, alcohol"

Returning 37 results: Page 1 of 2

Tier Species Size Attr. GeneSet
Tier II 414 GS84270: high-dose ethanol actions (Published QTL, Chr 14)
Tier II 606 GS84271: METH responses for chewing (Published QTL, Chr 14)
Tier II 450 GS84272: METH responses for body temperature (Published QTL, Chr 14)
Tier II 453 GS84273: METH responses for home cage activity (Published QTL, Chr 14)
Tier II 482 GS84274: METH responses for home cage activity (Published QTL, Chr 14)
Tier II 609 GS84275: cocaine seizure (Published QTL, Chr 14)
Tier II 660 GS84276: nicotine sensitivity (Published QTL, Chr 14)
Tier II 97 GS129080: APP associated premature death 2 (Appd2 Published QTL Chr 14)
Tier II 777 GS129166: plasma plant sterol 1 (Plast1 Published QTL Chr 14)
Tier II 340 GS129167: plasma plant sterol 1a (Plast1a Published QTL Chr 14)
Tier II 372 GS135452: bone length and organs 8 (Bod8, Published QTL Chr 14)
Tier II 557 GS135493: behavioral response to methamphetamines 9 (Brmth9, Published QTL Chr 14)
Tier II 480 GS135743: dystrophic cardiac calcinosis 4 (Dyscalc4, Published QTL Chr 14)
Tier II 563 GS135777: epistatic circling SWR/J (ecs, Published QTL Chr 14)
Tier II 550 GS136040: insulin dependent diabetes susceptibility 12 (Idd12, Published QTL Chr 14)
Tier II 372 GS136049: insulin dependent diabetes susceptibility 8 (Idd8, Published QTL Chr 14)
Tier II 372 GS136223: mandible length 15 (Manln15, Published QTL Chr 14)
Tier II 372 GS136224: mandible length 16 (Manln16, Published QTL Chr 14)
Tier II 405 GS136279: modifier of ocular retardation 2 (Modor2, Published QTL Chr 14)
Tier II 290 GS136597: resistance to thymic deletion 3 (Rthyd3, Published QTL Chr 14)
Tier II 550 GS136627: Stem cell proliferation 9 (Scpro9, Published QTL Chr 14)
Tier II 563 GS136712: susceptibility to lung cancer 13 (Sluc13, Published QTL Chr 14)
Tier II 557 GS136852: Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus induced demyelinating disease susceptibility 3 (Tmevd3, Published QTL Chr 14)
Tier II 306 GS136949: white blood cell quantitative locus 6 (Wbcq6, Published QTL Chr 14)
Tier II 372 GS136961: weight adult 3 (Wta3, Published QTL Chr 14)