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Returning 64 results: Page 1 of 3

Tier Species Size Attr. GeneSet
Tier II 233 GS83967: cocaine induced activation 12 (Cocia12, Published QTL, Chr 16, MGI:3040203)
Tier II 221 GS84294: alcohol preference locus (Published QTL, Chr 16)
Tier II 250 GS84295: differences in cocaine responsiveness (Published QTL, Chr 16)
Tier I 545 GS128574: Ethanol Induced Hypothermia Chr# 16
Tier II 146 GS129185: skin tumor susceptibility in FVB and PWK 3 (Skts-fp3 Published QTL Chr 16)
Tier II 241 GS135473: blood pressure QTL 9 (Bpq9, Published QTL Chr 16)
Tier II 254 GS135646: cardiac modifier of nmd 3 (Cmn3, Published QTL Chr 16)
Tier II 245 GS135649: cocaine induced activation 12 (Cocia12, Published QTL Chr 16)
Tier II 291 GS135688: cytokine production 1 (Cypr1, Published QTL Chr 16)
Tier II 244 GS135745: experimental allergic encephalomyelitis susceptibility11 (Eae11, Published QTL Chr 16)
Tier II 241 GS135819: ethanol induced activation (Etia, Published QTL Chr 16)
Tier II 173 GS135971: HDL QTL 9 (Hdlq9, Published QTL Chr 16)
Tier II 211 GS136069: immune response to AAV2 QTL 3 (Imraq3, Published QTL Chr 16)
Tier II 259 GS136134: lithogenic gene 14 (Lith14, Published QTL Chr 16)
Tier II 329 GS136158: leishmaniasis resistance 12 (Lmr12, Published QTL Chr 16)
Tier II 179 GS136164: leishmaniasis resistance 18 (Lmr18, Published QTL Chr 16)
Tier II 335 GS136181: lymphocyte proliferation 1 (Lp1, Published QTL Chr 16)
Tier II 290 GS136322: non-heme iron levels 2 (Nhil2, Published QTL Chr 16)
Tier II 179 GS136490: proteoglycan induced arthritis 10 (Pgia10, Published QTL Chr 16)
Tier II 211 GS136586: rapid eye movement sleep 3 (Remslp3, Published QTL Chr 16)
Tier II 178 GS136589: renal failure 2 (Renf2, Published QTL Chr 16)
Tier II 335 GS136633: small effect CIA locus 7 (Secia7, Published QTL Chr 16)
Tier II 243 GS136724: susceptibility to lung cancer 27 (Sluc27, Published QTL Chr 16)
Tier II 179 GS136795: tau phosphorylation (Tauph, Published QTL Chr 16)
Tier III 977 GS137561: Genes differentially expressed in the presence of excess MeCP2 (causing excess anxiety) in the amygdala.