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Returning 287 results: Page 1 of 12

Tier Species Size Attr. GeneSet
Tier III 3625 GS218390: Alcoholism Susceptibility Chr 1
Tier I 49 GS227827: MSigDB Geneset - chr2q24
Tier III 26035 GS407934: Differentially expressed genes of post mortem human central Amygdala samples in patients affected by opioid use disorder (OUD) vs. unaffected control samples_qvalue
Tier III 11005 GS409002: Differentially expressed genes in post-mortem human cuadate nucleus astrocytes of cocaine use disorder (CocUD) vs. control (p < 0.05)_pvalue
Tier III 11005 GS409005: Differentially expressed genes in post-mortem human cuadate nucleus D1 MSN of cocaine use disorder (CocUD) vs. control (p < 0.05)_pvalue
Tier III 11005 GS409008: Differentially expressed genes in post-mortem human cuadate nucleus D2 MSN of cocaine use disorder (CocUD) vs. control (p < 0.05)_pvalue
Tier III 11005 GS409010: Differentially expressed genes in post-mortem human cuadate nucleus D2 MSN of cocaine use disorder (CocUD) vs. control (p < 0.05)_qvalue
Tier III 11005 GS409011: Differentially expressed genes in post-mortem human cuadate nucleus microglia of cocaine use disorder (CocUD) vs. control (p < 0.05)_pvalue
Tier III 11005 GS409017: Differentially expressed genes in post-mortem human cuadate nucleus oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPC) of cocaine use disorder (CocUD) vs. control (p < 0.05)_pvalue
Tier II 427 GS84122: ethanol conditioned taste aversion (Published QTL, Chr 2)
Tier II 428 GS84123: METH responses for climbing (Published QTL, Chr 2)
Tier II 448 GS84124: ethanol consumption (Published QTL, Chr 2)
Tier II 284 GS84125: alcohol preference (Published QTL, Chr 2)
Tier II 303 GS84126: METH responses for chewing (Published QTL, Chr 2)
Tier II 396 GS84127: alcohol preference locus (Published QTL, Chr 2)
Tier II 396 GS84128: alcohol withdrawal (Published QTL, Chr 2)
Tier II 516 GS84129: activity response to ethanol (Published QTL, Chr 2)
Tier II 516 GS84130: ethanol response acute (Published QTL, Chr 2)
Tier I 2668 GS122408: vorinostat interacting with Homo sapiens associated genes (MeSH:C111237) in CTD
Tier I 8175 GS123916: Aflatoxin B1 interacting with Homo sapiens associated genes (MeSH:D016604) in CTD
Tier I 1964 GS123981: propionaldehyde interacting with Homo sapiens associated genes (MeSH:C005556) in CTD
Tier I 3690 GS124427: butyraldehyde interacting with Homo sapiens associated genes (MeSH:C018475) in CTD
Tier I 10720 GS125506: Valproic Acid interacting with Homo sapiens associated genes (MeSH:D014635) in CTD
Tier I 1819 GS126601: Aluminum interacting with nan associated genes (MeSH:D000535) in CTD
Tier I 3854 GS126898: Methyl Methanesulfonate interacting with Homo sapiens associated genes (MeSH:D008741) in CTD