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like "mouse, Ap3m2, alcohol"

Returning 6 results: Page 1 of 1

Tier Species Size Attr. GeneSet
Tier IV 1265 GS399223: KOdown(WT)_p
Tier IV 1576 GS400095: Mouse genes whose putative nearby enhancers show cocaine-induced switches to chromatin state 4 or 5
Tier III 1549 GS400144: Differentially expressed genes in the ventral tegmental area of mice given cocaine conditioning vs saline conditioning (RNA-seq) - linear regression (LR)
Tier III 9459 GS407741: Differential gene expression in the brain associated with Alcohol Binge Drinking in bed nucleus of the stria terminalis FC
Tier III 9516 GS407744: Gene expression_Alcohol Binge Drinking_mice_Basolateral amygdala_q-value
Tier III 2244 GS407752: Glial gene expression associated with alcohol dependence in mice in microglia q-value