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Returning 527 results: Page 1 of 22

Tier Species Size Attr. GeneSet
Tier II 288 GS34178: Hippocampus Gene expression correlates of Morphine Response Severity of abdominal constriction in Females & Males BXD
Tier II 19 GS35709: Neocortex Gene expression correlates of Open Field locomotion 0-15 min post cocaine in Females & Males BXD
Tier II 24 GS35714: Neocortex Gene expression correlates of Open Field locomotion 0-15 min post cocaine in Females BXD
Tier II 24 GS35724: Neocortex Gene expression correlates of Open Field locomotion (cm) 0-15 min post cocaine in Females & Males BXD
Tier II 29 GS35729: Neocortex Gene expression correlates of Open Field locomotion (cm) 0-15 min post cocaine in Females BXD
Tier II 17 GS35739: Neocortex Gene expression correlates of Open Field locomotion (activity beam breaks) 0-15 min post 2nd cocaine in Females & Males BXD
Tier II 32 GS35749: Neocortex Gene expression correlates of Open Field locomotion (activity beam breaks) 0-15 min post 2nd cocaine in Males BXD
Tier II 43 GS35764: Neocortex Gene expression correlates of Open Field locomotion (cm) 0-15 min post 2nd cocaine in Males BXD
Tier II 316 GS135526: body weight QTL (Bywq, Published QTL Chr X)
Tier II 279 GS136144: lithogenic gene 4 (Lith4, Published QTL Chr X)
Tier II 316 GS136255: modifier of muscularity 6 (Mdmsc6, Published QTL Chr X)
Tier II 283 GS136285: modifier of Odc2 (Moo2, Published QTL Chr X)
Tier I 8373 GS185585: GO:0044710 single-organism metabolic process
Tier I 7759 GS211514: SSp-m6b: Primary somatosensory area, mouth, layer 6b
Tier I 6513 GS211515: IC: Inferior colliculus
Tier I 6331 GS211516: PSV: Principal sensory nucleus of the trigeminal
Tier I 8053 GS211517: SSp-tr6a: Primary somatosensory area, trunk, layer 6a
Tier I 6490 GS211518: SCig: Superior colliculus, motor related, intermediate gray layer
Tier I 6263 GS211521: SCiw: Superior colliculus, motor related, intermediate white layer
Tier I 7637 GS211523: PTLp: Posterior parietal association areas
Tier I 7107 GS211524: AAA: Anterior amygdalar area
Tier I 6093 GS211525: SCdg: Superior colliculus, motor related, deep gray layer
Tier I 6934 GS211526: IGL: Intergeniculate leaflet of the lateral geniculate complex
Tier I 8092 GS211527: ENTl6a: Entorhinal area, lateral part, layer 6a
Tier I 7845 GS211529: ACA: Anterior cingulate area