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like "mouse, Ap3m2, alcohol"

Returning 23 results: Page 1 of 1

Tier Species Size Attr. GeneSet
Tier II 115 GS34084: Cerebellum Gene expression correlates of Open Field rears 30-45 min post cocaine in Males BXD
Tier II 124 GS34089: Cerebellum Gene expression correlates of Open Field rears 45-60 min post cocaine in Females BXD
Tier II 87 GS34166: Cerebellum Gene expression correlates of Open Field rears 30-45 min post 2nd cocaine in Females BXD
Tier II 93 GS35146: Cerebellum Gene expression correlates of Cocaine Sensitization - TOTAL rears in Males BXD
Tier I 5337 GS211519: IF: Interfascicular nucleus raphe
Tier I 7672 GS211537: ILA: Infralimbic area
Tier I 6258 GS211573: IPN: Interpeduncular nucleus
Tier I 7592 GS211604: ILA1: Infralimbic area, layer 1
Tier I 8522 GS211831: LINGmo: Lingula (I), molecular layer
Tier I 9012 GS211844: ORBm1: Orbital area, medial part, layer 1
Tier I 7869 GS211853: DP1: Dorsal peduncular area, layer 1
Tier I 7962 GS211872: ORBm2: Orbital area, medial part, layer 2
Tier I 8024 GS211890: ILA2/3: Infralimbic area, layer 2/3
Tier I 8549 GS212015: ORBm: Orbital area, medial part
Tier I 8472 GS212021: ILA2: Infralimbic area, layer 2
Tier I 7823 GS212055: DP: Dorsal peduncular area
Tier I 7625 GS212121: LING: Lingula (I)
Tier I 10562 GS212157: ORBvl1: Orbital area, ventrolateral part, layer 1
Tier I 8576 GS212168: FC: Fasciola cinerea
Tier I 8899 GS212195: TTd1: Taenia tecta, dorsal part, layer 1
Tier I 7892 GS212199: TTd2: Taenia tecta, dorsal part, layer 2
Tier III 19712 GS407758: Microglial-specific transcriptome changes following chronic alcohol consumption in mice total homogenate p-value
Tier III 22881 GS407879: Genes differentially expressed with Fentanyl in C57BL/6 J and A/J in nucleus accumbens by stain_qvalue