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like "mouse, Ap3m2, alcohol"

Returning 53 results: Page 1 of 3

Tier Species Size Attr. GeneSet
Tier II 306 GS84155: METH responses for climbing (Published QTL, Chr 4)
Tier II 333 GS84156: METH responses for body temperature (Published QTL, Chr 4)
Tier II 325 GS84157: METH responses for chewing (Published QTL, Chr 4)
Tier II 175 GS129068: autoimmune aoritis in MRL mice 1 (Aaom1 Published QTL Chr 4)
Tier II 423 GS129071: anticardiolipin antibody 2 (Acla2 Published QTL Chr 4)
Tier II 423 GS129177: splenomegaly-NZB x NZW 2 (Sbw2 Published QTL Chr 4)
Tier II 423 GS129186: silicosis susceptibility 1 (Slcs1 Published QTL Chr 4)
Tier II 423 GS129188: spermatogenesis defect 1 (Spmd1 Published QTL Chr 4)
Tier II 423 GS129191: seizure susceptibility 2 (Szs2 Published QTL Chr 4)
Tier II 313 GS135283: "alcohol preference locus 7, male specific" (Alcp7, Published QTL Chr 4)
Tier II 313 GS135284: "alcohol preference locus 8, female specific" (Alcp8, Published QTL Chr 4)
Tier II 300 GS135304: angiogenesis due to FGF2 QTL 1 (Angfq1, Published QTL Chr 4)
Tier II 332 GS135329: autoimmune renal vasculitis 1 (Arvm1, Published QTL Chr 4)
Tier II 348 GS135376: body length 6 (Bdln6, Published QTL Chr 4)
Tier II 327 GS135409: body growth late QTL 4 (Bglq4, Published QTL Chr 4)
Tier II 327 GS135446: bone length and organs 2 (Bod2, Published QTL Chr 4)
Tier II 329 GS135467: blood pressure QTL 3 (Bpq3, Published QTL Chr 4)
Tier II 326 GS135525: body weight QTL 9 (Bwtq9, Published QTL Chr 4)
Tier II 329 GS135541: cerebellar cAMP 4 (Ccmp4, Published QTL Chr 4)
Tier II 323 GS135623: cholesterol 8 (Chol8, Published QTL Chr 4)
Tier II 334 GS135709: diabetes susceptibility QTL 6 (Dbsq6, Published QTL Chr 4)
Tier II 332 GS135796: ethanol induced low dose activation 4 (Elda4, Published QTL Chr 4)
Tier II 329 GS135888: free running period 1 (Frp1, Published QTL Chr 4)
Tier II 335 GS135936: HDL level 36 (Hdl36, Published QTL Chr 4)
Tier II 335 GS135944: HDL QTL 10 (Hdlq10, Published QTL Chr 4)