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like "mouse, Ap3m2, alcohol"

Returning 805 results: Page 1 of 33

Tier Species Size Attr. GeneSet
Tier IV 8709 GS391: RIKEN Cerebellum C57BL/6J Development Series
Tier III 1854 GS865: Sey_Pax6_Age_Reduced_Linear_Incr
Tier III 552 GS1778: Tabakoff et al 2003: Differential Gene Expression of acute functional tolerance to an incoordinating effect of ethanol (HAFT2 vs LAFT2)
Tier IV 3151 GS3647: Meta-analysis of brain gene expression associated with voluntary consumption of ethanol in mice
Tier II 81 GS33870: Whole Brain Gene expression correlates of Difference in distance traveled (cm) during the first last min (saline-ethanol) in Females BXD
Tier II 143 GS33885: Whole Brain Gene expression correlates of Distance traveled (cm) during the first five minutes after ethanol in Males BXD
Tier II 29 GS33923: Whole Brain Gene expression correlates of Distance traveled (cm) during the fourth five minute bin after ethanol in Females BXD
Tier II 124 GS35465: Whole Brain Gene expression correlates of Difference in total distance traveled (cm) (saline-ethanol) in Males BXD
Tier III 705 GS75584: Genes showing main effect of strain between C57 and DBA mice
Tier I 3090 GS127923: Cerebellum - Allen Mouse Brain Atlas
Tier I 3273 GS127924: Cerebral cortex - Allen Mouse Brain Atlas
Tier I 3371 GS127925: Hippocampal formation - Allen Mouse Brain Atlas
Tier I 3380 GS127929: Medulla - Allen Mouse Brain Atlas
Tier I 3301 GS127931: Olfactory bulb - Allen Mouse Brain Atlas
Tier I 3315 GS127933: Pons - Allen Mouse Brain Atlas
Tier I 2950 GS127934: Retrohippocampal region - Allen Mouse Brain Atlas
Tier III 8148 GS128199: Alcohol Preference union of 86 Gene Sets
Tier I 5221 GS211513: TMv: Tuberomammillary nucleus, ventral part
Tier I 7759 GS211514: SSp-m6b: Primary somatosensory area, mouth, layer 6b
Tier I 6513 GS211515: IC: Inferior colliculus
Tier I 6331 GS211516: PSV: Principal sensory nucleus of the trigeminal
Tier I 8053 GS211517: SSp-tr6a: Primary somatosensory area, trunk, layer 6a
Tier I 6490 GS211518: SCig: Superior colliculus, motor related, intermediate gray layer
Tier I 5337 GS211519: IF: Interfascicular nucleus raphe
Tier I 5793 GS211520: PT: Parataenial nucleus